Durão, Natércia

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Natércia Durão


Professora Auxiliar do Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia da Universidade Portucalense (UPT). Mestre em Probabilidades e Estatística e Doutora no Ramo de Estatística e Investigação Operacional pela Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Lecciona as unidades curriculares Estatística e Métodos Quantitativos em vários cursos de Licenciatura e Metodologias de Investigação em cursos de Mestrado. Orientadora de várias dissertações de Mestrado e co-orientadora de dissertação de Doutoramento. Colaboradora até 2012/2013 do CEAUL (Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa), investigadora do Instituto Jurídico Portucalense, e membro integrado do REMIT (Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies), Centros de Investigação da UPT. Formadora do IEFP na área da Matemática/Métodos Quantitativos. Várias publicações na área da Estatística – Inferência Bayesiana (métodos de screening óptimos); Análise de Dados (software estatístico SPSS) especificamente na área da Estatística Multivariada aplicada à Estatística e outras áreas científicas.

Research Projects

Organizational Units

Organizational Unit
REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura. Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations: - the understanding of local, national and international environment; - the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.

Search Results

Now showing 1 - 10 of 49
  • PublicationRestricted Access
    Exploring the relationship between innovation, entry modes and destination countries
    2024-01-03 - Lobo, Carla Azevedo; Santos-Pereira, Carla; Durão, Natércia; Azevedo, Mónica
    In a world characterized by globalization, where the internationalization of businesses is pivotal for their prosperity, innovation is emerging as a pivotal strategic choice influencing their growth and competitive edge. Despite the broad consensus on the growing importance of internationalization and innovation, some questions arise about the relationship of innovation with entry modes with less commitment to the market and with destination markets with less risks. In order to determine whether there is a pattern of relationship between internationalization modes, destination markets, and innovation for Portuguese firms, the objective is to study this possibility. To achieve this goal, we carried out an online questionnaire survey to collect data. The questionnaire was carefully designed based on a literature review and included various variables related to the internationalization of firms. It was sent to all 8183 firms listed in the AICEP database of Portuguese internationalized firms through Google Forms tool. The data was collected over an 8-month period, starting in May 2019. To analyze the data, we used IBM SPSS Statistics 27.0 software, applying a quantitative approach. We employed Quantitative Analysis Methodologies: Univariate and Multivariate Exploratory Factorial Analysis (EFA), Correlation analysis and the nonparametric tests Chi-square and Mann-Whitney. Based on the findings, the empirical evidence clearly demonstrates that firms employing internationalization modes demanding higher commitment, along with those targeting geographically and psychologically distant markets, place significantly greater emphasis on innovation as a pivotal factor driving their international expansion.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evolution and use of mobile devices in higher education: A case study in Portuguese Higher Education Institutions between 2009/2010 and 2014/2015
    2017 - Ferreira, Maria João; Durão, Natércia; Santos-Pereira, Carla; Moreira, Fernando
    Mobile devices’ popularity, particularly tablets and smartphones, has increased over the last years as a result of their versatility and multifunctionality. That consequently led to a wide daily use by everyone and especially among young people. Since 2010 the sales market for mobile devices has not stopped growing. This is justified by the fact that these devices present many advantages, namely usability, portability, versatility, adaptability and an ability to customize individual experiences. In the context of the teachinglearning process, mobile devices allow overcoming the temporal and physical boundaries of the classroom, since information is omnipresent and no longer limited to a specific time and place for learning, thus promoting the mLearning. In this way it is important to analyze the use of mLearning, particularly the acceptance rate and uses of mobile technologies devices in higher education Portuguese institutions. In order to answering this issue, this paper analyzes the evolution and trends in the use of mobile technologies in higher education institutions in Portugal (North region) between 2009/2010 and 2014/2015.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Towards the digital transformation: are portuguese organizations in this way?
    2019-03 - Santos-Pereira, Carla; Moreira, Fernando; Ferreira, Maria João; Durão, Natércia
    Digital transformation is increasingly an element to be considered in the new paradigm of organizations. This transformation increases business opportunities and open a window for new approaches to the same business, both internally and externally, including changes in business processes and relationships with the organization’s stakeholders. Due of this, several concepts like digital transformation and enablers among others have emerged, and occurred in this new era. Being this in mind, it is fundamental to see if organizations in Portugal are already living in the aforementioned digital transformation or if they are aware of the need to adapt to this new reality. Thus, the objective of this research is to perceive the state of the art of Portuguese organizations in light of digital transformation.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Enhancing Higher Education in Portugal: Leveraging generative Artificial Intelligence for learning-teaching process
    2024-10-23 - Santos-Pereira, Carla; Ferreira, Maria João; Sobral, Sónia Rolland; Durão, Natércia; Moreira, Fernando
    Recent advancements in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) have revolutionized numerous fields, including higher education. This study focuses on the integration of GAI in Portuguese higher education institutions and explores its multifaceted implications and potential. Our research, conducted through a comprehensive survey between April and June 2023, engages with higher education faculty to understand their perceptions and utilization of GAI tools in teaching and learning processes. The potential of GAI to enhance personalized learning and interactive teaching methodologies is significant. It enables the creation of customized educational content, interactive simulations, and real-time feedback mechanisms, thus reducing the educators' workload and enhancing the learning experience. However, this integration is not without challenges. The study identifies critical ethical concerns around the use of GAI, including data privacy, intellectual property, and the potential for bias in AI-generated content. Additionally, our findings indicate varying acceptance and readiness among educators to adopt these technologies. While some express enthusiasm for the potential of GAI to transform educational practices, others remain cautious, highlighting the need for comprehensive training and support to leverage GAI capabilities fully. This paper captures the essence of the study's findings, illustrating both the promising opportunities and the complex challenges associated with using Generative AI in higher education. Higher education institutions can significantly enhance teaching and learning landscapes by addressing these challenges and fostering an informed and ethical approach to GAI integration.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    International business performance and the enhancers of the internationalization strategy in Portuguese firms
    2019 - Lobo, Carla Azevedo; Durão, Natércia; Santos-Pereira, Carla
    As business has become increasingly global, firms have been defied to develop a distinct approach in terms of business resources, skills and capabilities. The way in which these factors are organized and directed depend upon the role played by the entrepreneur within the company. In other words, the entrepreneur's role can define the company's ability to acquire and operationalize its resources, thus being able to influence business performance, especially of international businesses. Research on factors affecting internationalization is attracting growing interest, but few empirical works focus on the perspective of the entrepreneur. Aiming to analyze the existence of an association between international business performance and the factors that act, on the entrepreneur perspective, as enhancers of the internationalization strategy, an online questionnaire survey was conducted with several variables, based on the literature review. Data collected from the 311 valid responses (Portuguese international firms) were treated by IBM SPSS Statistics 24.0 software. The statistical analyses used were Descriptive Analysis (frequency analysis, descriptive statistics and graphical representations), Inferential Analysis (Spearman´s ordinal correlation, Kruskall-Wallis Test and Chi-Square Test), Reliability Analysis (Cronbach´s alpha) and Categorical Principal Components Analysis (CATPCA). In accordance with International New Ventures Theory, the Strategic Choice view and Network theory, we found evidence of the positive correlation between international experience of the employees and the percentage of business that resulted from internationalization. We also concluded that there is evidence of the importance of specific skills of the employees, of propensity to take risks and the importance of Networks, in international business performance.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Evaluation of teaching performance in Higher Education: Students perspectives and teaching management indicators
    2017 - Costa-Lobo, Cristina; Santos-Pereira, Carla; Jesus-Silva, Natacha; Durão, Natércia
    This study is part of a research project whose main objective is to identify, select, evaluate and synthesize the available evidence on Quality Indicators in Higher Education. There is, an advance in the establishment of Quality evaluation standards in Higher Education. Higher education institutions have undergone profound changes in the last 40 years, in particular in the Teacher Performance Evaluation. In the recent past, such as massification and democratization, were necessary and useful, although it is still necessary to anticipate structural and functional changes that increase the quality and social equity of Higher Education. In this work, the parameters resulting from pedagogical surveys in a Portuguese higher education institution in the north of the country will be presented, surveys for the 2015/2016 school year, presented to 1751 students, in a total of 11 degrees and 18 master's degrees. It is analyzed the performance of a group of 68 teachers, working full time, teachers evaluated by students. This paper presents the instruments made profitable by the students in the last three academic years, allowing the identification of the indicators regarding the qualifications and competences of the faculty in the following areas: research, teaching, university management and transfer and knowledge valorization. This paper describes the procedures resulting from the descriptive analysis (frequency analysis, descriptive measures and association measures) and inferential analysis (ANOVA one-way, MANOVA one-way, MANOVA two-way and correlation analysis) discussing the results regarding the impact of teacher performance on student satisfaction.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    The interplay of innovation and internationalisation in the foreign market entry mode and international market selection process of SMEs
    2023-12-15 - Azevedo, Mónica; Lobo, Carla Azevedo; Santos-Pereira, Carla; Durão, Natércia; Gerschewski, Stephan
    In an interconnected, globalised world where the success of companies increasingly relies on internationalisation, innovation has emerged as a crucial strategic decision for firm’s strong development and competitiveness. While there tends to be a consensus in the literature regarding the growing significance of internationalisation and innovation, certain questions arise regarding the relationship between innovation and entry modes with lower market commitment as well as destination markets with lower risks. This study aims to investigate whether a discernible pattern of relationship exists between internationalisation modes, destination markets, and innovation among small and medium-sized Portuguese firms. To accomplish this research objective, we developed and distributed an online questionnaire survey and collected empirical data from Portuguese SMEs. The final dataset consisted of 310 valid responses, which were subjected to statistical analysis using IBM SPSS 27.0 Statistics software. Considering the categorical nature of the data (measured on a nominal or ordinal scale), we applied robust quantitative analysis techniques. More specifically, we employed exploratory statistical analyses, including univariate and multivariate exploratory factorial analysis (EFA), as well as inferential analysis (e.g., Spearman's correlation and Chi-square test for correlation analysis, and Mann-Whitney nonparametric test). Our findings provide empirical evidence that companies employing internationalisation modes requiring greater commitment, along with those targeting geographically and psycho-logically distant destination markets, tend to attach greater importance to innovation as a determinant of internationalisation. Our study carries important theoretical and practical implications.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence generative tools on research in Higher Education Institutions: A perspective from Portugal
    2024-10-23 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland; Ferreira, Maria João; Santos-Pereira, Carla; Durão, Natércia; Moreira, Fernando
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) generative tools have emerged as transformative instruments in various domains, including research and academia. It is important to see what is positive and what is not. This study focuses on the integration of GAI in Portuguese higher education institutions and explores its multifaceted implications and potential. Our research was conducted through a comprehensive survey between April and June 2023, garnering 77 responses. To this purpose, the analysis will have several insights into the research process, namely, to assess the frequency of use and objectives of using generative AI for higher education research and to explore possible trends and future directions in the adoption and application of generative AI in this field.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Detection of outliers for a pharmaceutical distribution company in Portugal | Deteção de outliers numa empresa de distribuição farmacêutica em Portugal
    2016 - Ribeiro, Augusto; Durão, Natércia; Seruca, Isabel
    For pharmaceutical distribution companies it is essential to obtain good estimates of medicine needs, due to the short shelf life of many medicines and the need to control stock levels, so as to avoid excessive inventory costs while guaranteeing customer demand satisfaction, and thus decreasing the possibility of loss of customers due to stock outages. In this paper we explore the use of the time series data mining technique for the sales prediction of individual products of a pharmaceutical distribution company in Portugal. Through data mining techniques, the historical data of product sales are analyzed to detect patterns and make predictions based on the experience contained in the data. The results obtained with the technique as well as with the proposed method suggest that the performed modelling may be considered appropriate for the short term product sales prediction.
  • PublicationOpen Access
    Innovation and internationalisation: Is there a connection with entry modes and destination countries? [abstract]
    2022-07 - Azevedo, Mónica; Durão, Natércia; Lobo, Carla Azevedo; Santos-Pereira, Carla
    In a globalized world where internationalisation plays a crucial role for the success of companies, innovation is also proving to be a key strategic decision for their development and competitiveness. Despite the broad consensus on the growing importance of internationalization and innovation for companies, some questions arise: Is there a link between innovation and internationalization? Does the relationship between internationalisation and innovation differ according to entry modes? Does the importance of innovation differ between destination markets? Taking into account a sample of Portuguese companies, this study seeks to answer mainly the last two questions. Thus, the goal is to explore whether it is possible to establish a pattern of relationship between internationalisation modes, destination markets and innovation for Portuguese firms. To achieve the objectives, we set out to accomplish in this work, we used data gathered through an online questionnaire survey. A questionnaire was designed and sent by email to 8183 companies from the AICEP database. From the data collected we gathered 310 valid responses, which were then processed by IBM SPSS Statistics 27.0 software. Quantitative Analysis were used and given the nature of the data (categorical variables measured on a nominal or ordinal scale), the statistical methods used were Exploratory Analysis (Univariate and Multivariate Exploratory Factorial Analysis- EFA) and Inferential Analysis (Correlation analysis: Spearman´s correlation and Chi-square test, and Mann-Whitney nonparametric test). According to the results, we can find empirical evidence that are indeed the companies with internationalisation modes that require greater commitment, as well as with geographically and psychologically more distant destination markets, the ones that attach greater importance to innovation as a determinant of internationalisation.