Nogueira, Elisabete

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Elisabete Nogueira


DEG - Departamento de Economia e Gestão

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura. Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations: - the understanding of local, national and international environment; - the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 10 de 15
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Triple bottom line, sustainability and economic development: What binds them together? A bibliometric approach
    2023-04-15 - Lopes, João M.; Nogueira, Elisabete; Gomes, Sofia
    The importance given to sustainable development paved the way for the development of the triple bottom line (TBL) concept. TBL is vital for the assessment of nations’ economic development (ED) beyond traditional economic measures. Despite this relevance, few studies still seek to deepen our understanding of the interaction between TLB and ED. Thus, this bibliometric study aimed to analyse the relationship between TBL, sustainability, and ED, adding business strategy concepts such as competitiveness, decision making, planning, and performance. We intended to reinforce the extension of TBL’s dominant rhetoric to sustainable ED. The results revealed the relationship between TBL and ED and allowed the identification of four clusters, from which a theoretical–conceptual model of the theory and application of TBL to achieve ED was formulated. This model can be adopted for the consolidation of ED through the TBL framework and as a tool to support business strategy related to obtaining competitive advantage; decision making; planning; and stimulating economic, social, and environmental performance.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    The key to sustainable economic development: a triple bottom line approach
    2022-05-10 - Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia; Nogueira, Elisabete
    Concerns about improving social, environmental, and economic living standards are the basis of the triple bottom line (TBL) link to economic development (ED). Aware of the importance of studying their relationship, this article analysed the influence of TBL on ED. A quantitative method- ology was used. The sample comprised a panel of data from 2006 to 2019 for OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) countries. Five multiple linear regression models were estimated by the generalised method of moments. The results of this study revealed that the social dimension of TBL boosts ED, the environmental dimension of TBL slows down ED, and the economic dimension of TBL contains conflicting synergies in ED. The Human Development Index (HDI) should now include indicators of environmental wellbeing. Governments should adopt policies to improve social wellbeing to boost ED, work to coordinate the objectives of environmental protection and ED, and combat vulnerabilities arising from public debt. As one of the first studies to assess the influence of TBL on ED at the country level, the present findings contribute to the reflection about the influence of TBL on a country’s ED and strengthens the discussion around the influence of different dimensions of TBL.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    The key to sustainable economic development: A triple bottom line approach
    2022-07-15 - Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia; Nogueira, Elisabete
    Purpose: The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) construct, outlined by Elkington in 1996, assumes that value creation results from three dimensions, social, environmental, and economic, which must be accounted for (Elkington, 2006; Solaimani & Sedighi, 2020). It has at its core the support and management of activities that privilege development (Ranjbari et al., 2021). And gained traction at all levels of government and in business (Lederwasch & Mukheibir, 2013). Economic development (ED) is created by the process of creative destruction (Schumpeter, 1934) and translates into an organic system of successive qualitative changes (Schumpeter, 1947). It is responsible for sustainable development, at the country level, in the long term (Porter, 2000). It is also at the level of the countries that there is an obligation of harmony in the management of resources, be they social, environmental, or economic (Ahmad et al., 2018; Manzhynski et al., 2015). These are concepts that share particularities in their very nature. However, despite recognizing the importance of TBL in ED, it has been given little attention in this scientific field (Hammer & Pivo, 2017). To fill this gap, this study seeks to analyze the impact of TBL on ED, in the time frame from 2006 to 2019, in the 38 countries of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).Methodology: Starting from the main objective of analyzing the influence of TBL on countries' ED, we consider for our sample the 38 OECD countries and the period from 2006 to 2019. HDI data were collected from the United Nations Development Programme (United Nations Development Programe, 2022) and SSI from the Technische Hochschule Köln (Technische Hochschule Köln, 2022). HDI was used as a proxy for ED and is the dependent variable as used by authors Hussain and Dey (2021) and Zelenkov and Lashkevich (2020). The three dimensions (human well-being, environmental well-being, and economic well-being) and the seven categories (basic needs, personal development & health, well-balanced society, natural resources, climate & energy, transition, and economy) of the SSI represent the TBL and are the independent variables. The hypotheses formulated were tested through the estimation of five multiple linear regressions, using the Generalized Method of Moments. Results: In model 1, it was concluded that only the social dimension had a positive influence on the HDI of OECD countries. In model 2, it was found that the categories that refer to the social and economic dimensions positively influenced the HDI, while those that represent the environmental dimension did not positively influence the HDI. According to model 3, it was found that the categories that represent the social dimension of the TBL positively influenced the HDI. In turn, in model 4, the variables that reflect the environmental dimension of the TBL did not positively influence the HDI. Finally, in model 5, the transition variable had a positive influence on the HDI, while the economy variable was not statistically significant. We conclude that the social dimension of TBL boosts ED, the environmental dimension of TBL slows down ED, and the economic dimension of TBL contains conflicting synergies in ED. This study makes even more evident the need for theoretical reflection to consider inclusion in the HDI indicators that translate the environmental dimension into the ED. It should be noted that supporting the progress of the social dimension of TBL is not only a guarantee of a qualitative improvement in the lives of populations but also a driver of ED. Thus, governments should consider investments in projects that increase the level of human well-being as a way to stimulate ED. Policies are also needed to improve coordination between environmental protection and ED objectives so that conflicting synergies between these two forces can converge and improve the ED framework. Governments should also assess and address vulnerabilities arising from high public debt to increase their capacity to implement policies that foster ED. Research limitations: Despite the contributions of our study, this is not without limitations. The use of SSI to measure TBL and of HDI to measure DE instead of other variables may bias the results. Also, the choices made when performing the econometric techniques may influence the results, as Dogan and Turkekul (2016) assume. Originality: Although there are some studies on the link between TBL and ED, as far as we know, there is still no study that ascertains the influence of TBL on ED in OECD countries. Besides of adding new perspectives to previous discussions, we also identify the social dimension of TBL as a driver of ED; the environmental dimension of TBL as an element that slows down ED, and the economic dimension of TBL as having conflicting synergies in ED.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Nexus between triple bottom line and economic development: an exploratory analysis of economic, environmental and social dimensions
    2024-03-08 - Nogueira, Elisabete
    Recent global events, such as Covid-19 and the conflict in Ukraine, have disrupted the notion of a sustainable society, resulting in apprehension and economic uncertainty. These multifaceted crises have caused increased unemployment rates and heightened poverty levels, further enhancing existing concerns regarding societal welfare. Consequently, sustainability has gained significant prominence, compelling enterprises to adopt sustainable practices to maintain competitiveness. The triple bottom line framework has risen in importance as an indispensable tool for holistically addressing sustainability concerns. It places equal emphasis on the economic, environmental, and social dimensions, presenting a comprehensive approach that fosters sustainability, resilience, and innovation. It acknowledges the intrinsic connection between companies’ achievements and society’s overall well-being, while strengthening companies competitive positioning. The general objective of this thesis is to understand the influence that triple bottom line, and that each of its dimensions, economic, environmental and social, can exert on economic development. Establishing business strategies that will enable companies to achieve greater positive outcomes, while contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals. A profound understanding of these relations is imperative for ensuring enduring success in an ever-evolving global landscape. In order to achieve the proposed objective, a typology of mixed research, as outlined in Chapters 2 to 6, was employed. The research encompasses the deductive process and five studies that employ the following methodology: 1) bibliometric study; 2), 3) and 5) multiple linear regression models; and 4) meta-regression. Examining the results obtained, it has been established that the triple bottom line acts as an effective partner in the pursuit of boosting economic development, as well as contributing to the enhancement of sustainable outcomes. The three dimensions of the framework are geared towards achieving a unified goal, thereby enhancing firms’ performance. Theoretical frameworks that extend beyond the confines of economic sustainability, embracing the broader facets of environmental preservation and social well-being, are presented. Moreover, the research bridges the gap between theoretical constructs and practical application. Practical insights for both corporate entities and governmental bodies are provided to facilitate the translation of theoretical insights into concrete strategies. In summary, this thesis highlights the growing significance of sustainability in the contemporary business landscape, while it is focused on advancing theoretical understanding, practical application, and the scientific foundations of triple bottom line within the realm of the economic development.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    The contribution of the labour practices to organizational performance: The mediating role of social sustainability
    2024-04-18 - Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia; Nogueira, Elisabete
    In the fiercely competitive global business environment, the attainment of excellence is contingent upon the efficient management of human resources and their alignment with sustainable development goals. This study examines the interplay between labour practices, social sustainability and organizational performance, with a focus on the often-ignored perspectives of employees. Employees, often neglected as critical stakeholders, shape corporate values and strategy. The study uses a quantitative approach, having applied the partial least square method for the proposed research model. Questionnaire responses from 574 Portuguese employees reveal that labour practices (employee development, employee participation and equal opportunity) positively influence perceived social sustainability. Perceived social sustainability positively influences perceived organizational performance. The examined labour practices only exhibit a positive influence on perceived organizational performance when perceived social sustainability acts as a mediator. Companies must place a high priority on the perceptions of their employees to achieve social sustainability. This involves incorporating inclusive, participative and proactive policies regarding human resources policies, thereby leveraging the mutual advantages derived from labour practices. This demonstrates the pivotal role of social sustainability in companies' decision- making processes, as it substantially contributes to enhancing organizational performance. This study emphasizes the importance of integrating social sustainability to maximize organizational performance, providing valuable insights for business leaders. The original model, social sustainability-driven organizational performance, which is based on employees' perceptions, identifies labour practices as antecedents of social sustainability, and the influence of social sustainability, both directly and as a mediator, on organizational performance, is presented
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Lean Management: Como é que a comunidade académica o tem estudado?
    2020-01-21 - Nogueira, Elisabete
    A eficácia do sistema de gestão Lean Management tem sido reiteradamente provada e defendida por conceituados cientistas e praticantes graças aos seus resultados. Para complementar essa pesquisa pretendemos responder à questão: Como tem a comunidade académica estudado o Lean Management? Analisamos 70 estudos publicados entre 2011 e 2019, em 36 publicações selecionadas no Scimago Journal & Country Rank 2017. Os critérios da sua seleção são: área - ciências da decisão, subcategoria - ciência de gestão e pesquisa de operações. Constatamos que: os artigos pertencem a jornais do Reino Unido e da Holanda; o número de publicações tem aumentado anualmente; podemos classificá-los como pertencentes a 8 núcleos de estudo (Cadeia de fornecimento, Desempenho, Implementação, Sustentabilidade, Leanness, Teoria organizacional, Epistemologia e Outras ferramentas de criação de valor); e que, a aplicação do Lean Management melhora a flexibilidade da organização, a qualidade das operações, o funcionamento do processo, a utilização dos recursos humanos, reduz os bens em stock e aumenta a satisfação do cliente. O Lean Management continuará a desenvolver-se e a sua influência nas organizações estará cada vez mais enraizada. Será interessante analisar como serão os próximos anos do seu desenvolvimento e as interações que já existem com outros sistemas de gestão.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Social Sustainability: Fostering employee wellbeing in contemporary business environments
    2024-04-20 - Nogueira, Elisabete; Névoa, Manuel
    In the fiercely competitive landscape of global business today, effective management of top-tier human resources holds paramount significance. The stakeholder theory underscores the importance of addressing diverse stakeholder needs to enhance firm performance (Nogueira et al., 2023). Moreover, there is a growing emphasis on employee welfare as a critical factor in navigating the complexities of modern business (Salem et al., 2023). Within organizations, social sustainability has emerged as a complex concept with the potential to enhance employee well-being significantly (Prieto-Sandoval et al., 2019). Recognizing the urgent need to understand social sustainability, this study aims to investigate its impact on employees' well-being. Acknowledging employees as the most valuable organizational asset, this research seeks to comprehensively understand how social sustainability influences their wellbeing.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Nature's safecrackers: Decoding substitutability and protecting natural capital in innovation ecosystems SSA and MENA regions
    2024-10-24 - Ferreira, João; Lopes, João M.; Dabic, Marina ; Gomes, Sofia; Nogueira, Elisabete
    The innovation ecosystems in economies dependent on natural resources use these assets as fundamental capital to promote development and economic growth. Ensuring the lasting sustainability of these economies represents a difficult challenge, especially in a context of limited and irreplaceable natural capital. This study explores indicators of natural capital protection (environmental quality, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, protection of biodiversity and ecosystems, and cultural and social values) in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), the Middle East, and North Africa (MENA), two regions dependent on natural resources. A new panel quantile estimation technique is applied to panel data covering 59 countries from 2019 to 2023. The results indicate that, in SSA economies, lower levels of these indicators contribute positively to higher levels of natural capital protection. In the MENA economies, only higher levels of environmental quality and cultural and social values contribute positively to higher levels of natural capital protection. The critical implications arising from this study emphasize the urgent need to implement strategies aimed at safeguarding natural capital in economies heavily dependent on it. These strategies include resilient urban development, investment in climate resilient infrastructure. The strategies include resilient urban development, investment in climate-resilient infrastructure, recognition and valorization of environmental services, attention to modern renewable energy technologies, environmental education, greater consideration of the balance between environmental sustainability and human well-being by governments, and recognition of the impacts of globalization on environmental sustainability and human development. The uniqueness of this study lies in its pioneering approach to the pressing issues of protecting natural capital in natural resource-dependent economies. It is a pioneer in analyzing several countries in two regions regarding synergies between protecting natural capital and its indicators in economies dependent on natural resources.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Triple bottom line, sustainability and economic development: Theoretical insights and the research agenda
    2022-09-29 - Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia; Nogueira, Elisabete
    An analysis of the relationship between Triple Bottom Line (TBL), economic development (ED) and sustainability was undertaken to strengthen the extension of TBL’s dominant rhet- oric to sustainability- aligned ED and pave the way for new lines of research. We used the Web of Science database and gathered for analysis 37 publications, which simultaneously respected the keysearchterms:TripleBottomLine,EconomicDevelopment and Sustainability, to carry out a bibliometric analysis of the literature. Four clusters were identified and designated as: social development, social entrepreneurship, economic development and sustainability. This study includes an analysis of the evolu- tion of publications and citations, co-occurrence of keywords, identification of research lines and analysis of bibliographic coupling study. It also combats the scarcity of publications relating TBL, ED and sustainability. A table of research trends, a mapping of publications and the directions that should be followed by the academy are presented. The fact that the bibli- ometric literature review was based only on the Web of Science, the applied filtering process and the use of software may have omitted the literature. The need to expand TBL beyond the companies’ core business to more global concerns and a holistic study of TBL was identified.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    A meta-regression analysis of environmental sustainability practices and firm performance
    2023-10-06 - Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia; Nogueira, Elisabete
    The growing concern with environmental protection has transformed companies' environmental responsibility into a tactical strategy to increase their competitiveness. The influence of environmental sustainability practices on companies' performance is on the agenda, and it is not consensual. This study intends to analyse the impact of the adoption of sustainable practices on the performance of companies. The heterogeneous results of 96 studies (taken from the Web of Science) were synthesized using meta-regression analyses, from which data on 339 effects were collected. Unlike previous studies that consider performance a one-dimensional construct, this study takes an original approach to performance. Effects were analysed on five different performance measures: (i) the overall performance, (ii) the accounting-based, (iii) the market-based, (iv) the economic-based and (v) the operational-based firm performance. Indirect effects were also explored. Environmental sustainability practices positively influence the five performance measures, even if environmental preservation is not the only motivation for their implementation. The study reinforces the idea that it is profitable for companies to be green. The environmental pressures of stakeholders must be seen as opportunities and contribute to improving the multiple aspects of competitiveness. To accommodate environmental concerns, business ethics must be updated.