Cardoso, Abílio

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Abílio Cardoso


Doutorado na área de Informática, leciona na Universidade Portucalense, os graus de Licenciatura e Mestrado. Investigador nas áreas de: Cloud Computing, ITIL, redes de dados e segurança em sistemas informáticos. Atualmente é docente no Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia e Diretor de Sistemas de Informação na Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique. É atualmente, investigador do Research on Economics, Managemente and Information Technologies. Afiliação: REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies DCT - Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura. Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations: - the understanding of local, national and international environment; - the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 10 de 15
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Cloud computing and security.
    2012 - Simões, Paulo; Cardoso, Abílio
    There is always a strong pressure on Information Technology (IT) to do more with fewer resources. Over the decades, this pressure to rationalize IT costs spurred a number of paradigms, technologies and buzzwords. Some of them failed to meet their promises, while others became successfully embed in IT practices and infrastructures, providing sizeable benefits. The paradigm of cloud computing is currently riding this wave, promising to be the next great revolution in IT. Cloud computing appears to have the right technological and market ingredients to become widely successful. However, there are some key areas where cloud computing is still underperforming – such as security. Availability, security, privacy and integrity of information are some of the biggest concerns in the process of designing, implementing and running IT services based on cloud computing, due to technological and legal matters. There is already an extensive set of recommendations for IT management and IT governance in general – such as the popular Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) guidelines and Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) recommendations. However, the field of cloud computing remains poorly covered. ITIL and other general sources can be sometimes translated to the context of cloud computing, but there are many new challenges not addressed by those generic resources. Recognizing this state of affairs, a number of initiatives already started focusing on novel proposals specifically targeting cloud computing but, up to now, with no significant outcomes. In this paper, we discuss the security implications involved in the migration of IT services to the cloud-computing model, proposing a set of rules and guidelines to be followed in the process of migrating IT services to the cloud. This set of rules and guidelines largely builds on general ITIL recommendations, discussing how to extend/adapt them to the field of cloud computing and identifying which a number of novel areas not covered by current ITIL recommendations.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Cloud computing: Concepts, technologies and challenges.
    2012 - Simões, Paulo; Cardoso, Abílio
    An important revolution is taking place in information technology with the introduction of the cloud computing paradigm, which is expected to bring several new benefits and services to customers. Cloud computing makes it possible to detach the process of building the infrastructure and service delivery to end users by redefining the business models of software and hardware, so that customers stop purchasing goods to buying services. This paper presents the state of the art of cloud computing and discusses the key challenges of an ongoing research work, focused on the applicability of IT governance to the migration of existing systems to the cloud.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    EU27 Higher Education Institutions and COVID-19
    2021-06-02 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland; Cardoso, Abílio; Jesus-Silva, Natacha; Moreira, Fernando
    COVID-19 forced higher education institutions to reinvent themselves. The (usually) face-to-face education has swapped to distance contingency education. This change brought about numerous challenges that impose adjustments in several dimensions, such as pedagogical strategies and the dependence on teaching platforms and computer systems—and, above all, the new relationship between the various actors (students, teachers, and management staff). All the sudden changes, combined with uncertainty concerning what was happening, created several strategies and options. This paper has the main purpose of analyzing the scientific production on higher education of EU27 academic institutions during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science and Elsevier’s Scopus. The sample is composed of 22 articles in total. The results show that the articles were published in 19 journals; their main focuses are Higher Education, COVID-19, and distance learning. In our database, we find several types of concerns, which shows that HEIs have a wide range of dimensions. We intend this article to be an instrument, not only to identify what was done in 2020, but to point out clues for the future.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    A support framework for the migration of e-Government services to the cloud.
    2016 - Simões, Paulo; Cardoso, Abílio; Moreira, Fernando
    Public and federal agencies from countries around the world are increasingly providing information technology based services via the Internet - known as e-government. Several of the general requirements of e-government services are satisfactorily met by the emerging Cloud Computing paradigm that promises a number of benefits such as service elasticity (the ability to handle peaks and troughs of demands); optimization of costs; capacity to handle large volumes of data; and a generalized model of Internet-based access for end-users. For this reason, it is no surprise that Cloud related technologies are gradually leveraging e-government platforms. In this chapter, a support framework is outlined that complies with and extends the well-known ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) set of best practices for IT (Information Technology) service management. It is suggested that the proposed framework can be usefully deployed to assist in the process of migrating e-government services provision to the Cloud Computing environment.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Migration Results to a Private Cloud by using the M2CCF
    2016-01-17 - Cardoso, Abílio; Moreira, Fernando
    The cloud computing paradigm is transforming the way IT services are provided and consumed by changing IT products to services. The migration of in-house IT services to cloud computing must be performed carefully so as not to cause high losses in the institution. In this paper, we present the use of the framework developed by the same authors, to the migration of services, applications, data and infrastructures to cloud computing, M2CCF, compatible with Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). The work also discusses the results gathered from the real implementation of the framework in the migration of IT services to a private cloud.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Digital transformation in Erasmus Mobility Application Procedures: Transforming a paper-based workflow into an online system
    2019 - Tylšar, Oliver; Vavřinec, David; Neustupa, Zdeněk; Cardoso, Abílio; Seruca, Isabel
    In the process of organising exchange mobility, students and higher education staff members must conclude trilateral Learning Agreements that are the basis for the recognition of academic qualifications obtained abroad. According to the PRIME survey, conducted by the Erasmus Student Network in 2010-11, while Learning Agreements (LA) documents may be considered essential to an adequate organisation of credit mobility, there are several issues that hamper their preparation. In fact, the interlocutors involved are often not clearly defined, the information needed to build the agreements is rarely available online and in up to 75% of the cases, students need to change their learning agreements after their arrival at the receiving Higher Education Institutions (HEI), usually due to changes in their study plans abroad. Furthermore, as the process is mainly paper-based, it is error prone and time consuming. This paper describes the project developed by the authors, including two Postgraduate Erasmus students, conducted in the context of Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Placements (SMP) at Portucalense University (UPT). The aim of the project is to develop a web-based software platform to automate the process of submitting applications for UPT students exchange and UPT academic and non-academic staff exchange (STA and STT) within the Erasmus+ programme. The application was termed “ErasmusOnlineLAapp” and addresses the dematerialization of the process of organising exchange mobility, transferring a paper-based workflow, which is reliant on timely postal deliveries for signature purposes, into an online system that will allow students to gain considerable time when preparing their studies abroad and induce a greater degree of flexibility and efficiency when needing to revise the Learning Agreement.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Eclectic approach applied to data transformation curriculum course
    2018 - Ferreira, Maria João; Moreira, Fernando; Cardoso, Abílio
    The present society, and in particular the organizations, are currently undergoing a series of metamorphoses of political, economic and social order. These metamorphoses, often referred to in the literature as digital transformation, are due to the rapid and uncontrollable evolution of information technologies and the role they can play in the organizational context. Digital Transformation (DT) is therefore a highly complex and comprehensive enterprise throughout the organization. However, digital transformation alone does not come into any organization for the much-desired success to happen; it is necessary that the information systems, the basis of operation of an organization, are aligned and are part of the same transformation. In this context, organizations have to follow technological developments, update their IS to become agile and innovative so as not to lose competitiveness. Analyzing the scenario of digital transformation, it becomes clear the need for institutions, namely higher education, to offer training to present and future workers in this area. In this paper it is proposed an extension of a curriculum of a course in Digital Transformation in order to accommodate the approach called ECLETIC that aims the use active methodologies in the teaching learning process. The use of the ECLETIC approach is justified by the fact that in addition to a curriculum of any one course must respond to current needs and trends, it should also address the way these skills are acquired, which is why the teaching-learning process is not less important.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Information technologies in quality management in higher education [comunicação oral]
    2023-09-25 - Carvalho, Liliana; Cardoso, Abílio; Jesus-Silva, Natacha
    The use of Information Technologies (IT) has played an increasingly important role in quality management in higher education. This article examines the impact of IT on improving quality management processes and promoting academic excellence in higher education institutions. IT offers a range of tools and solutions that enable higher education institutions to collect, analyze, and interpret relevant data for assessing and monitoring quality in higher education. Through learning management systems, online assessment platforms, and data analysis software, institutions can obtain accurate and real-time insights into student performance, teaching effectiveness, and student satisfaction. Furthermore, IT enables the implementation of quality management systems based on international standards, such as ISO 9001:2015, providing a structured framework for continuous improvement in higher education processes. These systems can facilitate the documentation of policies and procedures, the monitoring of performance indicators, and the conduct of internal and external audits, contributing to quality assurance and compliance with established standards. IT also plays a crucial role in communication and collaboration among the various stakeholders involved in quality management in higher education. Through online portals and platforms, students, faculty, administrators, and staff can share information, exchange feedback, and participate in decision-making processes, promoting a more participatory and transparent approach to quality management. However, it is important to emphasize that the effective implementation of IT in quality management requires a strategic approach and an institutional culture supportive of innovation. Higher education institutions must invest in suitable technological infrastructure, provide training and support to users, and ensure data security and privacy. IT plays a fundamental role in quality management in higher education by providing tools and solutions that contribute to the improvement of higher education processes, compliance with international standards, and effective communication among takeholders. The strategic adoption of IT can drive academic excellence and student satisfaction, fostering a culture of quality in higher education institutions.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Applicability of IT service management in the migration to cloud computing.
    2015-03 - Cardoso, Abílio
    The cloud computing (CC) paradigm is transforming the way Information Technology (IT) services are provided by converting IT products into services. This modification allows the delivery of IT services to end users in a way the customers stop purchasing products and start purchasing services instead. The successful migration to this paradigm by an organization requires a deep comprehension of its own IT as well as the dynamics of CC. To this purpose, a framework aggregating the activities that must be undertaken in two groups, the on premise and the off premise, was developed. The on premise group includes the actions developed by the customer, such as the development of a strategy plan, the attainment of a detailed definition of the organization processes and services and the definition of what to migrate to the cloud. The activities developed with the support of the candidates and selected CSPs are in the off premise group. This group encompasses activities such as the providers services’, the details ‘identification of the technologies related to the implementation of the organization processes into the cloud and the analysis of the conditions of service level agreement and the contract. Furthermore, there is already an extensive set of recommendations for IT management and IT governance in general – such as the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) and the Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT) recommendations. However, the field of CC remains poorly covered. Acknowledging this state of affairs and adding the fact that CC is concerned with IT services, not to mention the number of organizations using ITIL in order to manage their IT services, the fact that ITIL is being recognized as a set of good practices, led to the decision of studying the applicability of service management, namely ITIL, to the migration of IT services to CC. The motivation of this study is related to the circumstance that organizations can take advantage of the work already carried out, the information gathered and the management of services when implementing ITIL. Additionally, if the customer and the supplier implement ITIL, the communication between them is also improved. Accordingly, a framework to migrate IT services, applications data and infrastructures to CC has been developed and the processes of this framework have been mapped to the ITIL’s framework.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    A survey of cloud computing migration issues and frameworks.
    2014 - Simões, Paulo; Moreira, Fernando; Cardoso, Abílio
    The cloud computing paradigm is transforming the way IT services are provided and consumed. The moving of in-house IT services to the cloud- computing paradigm should be performed carefully lest cause high losses in the institution that is in the process of transition to cloud computing. So, in this paper, we presents a study of several frameworks developed to move IT services and applications to the cloud computing.