A perceção das escolas sobre a avaliação externa e o seu impacto nos resultados escolares dos alunos.
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A questão basilar que orientou esta investigação foi a de compreender em que medida a Avaliação Externa das Escolas contribui para a melhoria organizacional dos agrupamentos de escolas dos dois distritos do Minho: Braga e Viana do Castelo. A metodologia utilizada neste trabalho foi mista, embora se destaque a metodologia quantitativa na recolha dos dados, realizada através de inquérito por questionário. Os resultados revelaram que o Modelo de Avaliação Externa é complexo, valoriza muito os resultados escolares, não contempla os contextos socioeconómicos das escolas na avaliação e não contribui para que estas desenvolvam a sua autonomia. As três principais mudanças verificadas nos agrupamentos com Avaliação Externa foram: a criação de níveis de exigência mais elevados no desempenho global dos agrupamentos; o envolvimento destes com a comunidade local; e uma melhoria ao nível do trabalho colaborativo dos docentes. Como principais fatores de bloqueio à implementação dos processos de autoavaliação de escola temos: a falta de formação específica; de orientação; e de apoio prestados às equipas de autoavaliação. As aprendizagens e os resultados escolares dos alunos não apresentaram melhorias com a Avaliação Externa; a construção da autonomia das escolas tem sido marcada por um processo lento; o sistema educativo ainda está muito centralizado, dificultando o seu desenvolvimento. Existem discrepâncias relativamente à finalidade da Avaliação Externa pretendida pela Inspeção Geral de Educação e Ciência e a que é percecionada nas escolas. O estudo permite afirmar que a principal evidência desta investigação é que as mudanças organizacionais trazidas pela Avaliação Externa das Escolas são pouco significativas e não trouxeram melhorias nos resultados escolares dos alunos. Uma das principais conclusões é a falta de formação em avaliação, não só dos elementos da Equipa de Autoavaliação de Escola, mas também da generalidade dos docentes.
The basic question that guided this research was to understand to what extent the external evaluation of schools contributes to organizational improvement of school clusters of the two districts Minho: Braga and Viana do Castelo. The methodology used was mixed, although it highlighted the quantitative methodology in collecting the data, conducted by questionnaire survey. The results showed that the model of external evaluation is complex, highly values the educational attainment, does not address the socio-economic contexts of schools in the evaluation and does not contribute to these develop their autonomy. The three major changes observed in the groups with external evaluation were: the creation of higher levels of demand in the global performance of the groups; their involvement with the local community; and an improvement in the collaborative work of teachers. The main factors blocking the implementation of school self-evaluation processes are: the lack of specific training; guidance; and support provided to self-evaluation the teams. The learning and the educational achievement of students showed no improvements to the external evaluation; the construction of school autonomy has been marked by a slow process; the education system is still very centralized, hampering its development. There are discrepancies with the purpose of the intended External Evaluation by the General Inspection of Education and Science and that is perceived in schools. According to the study that the main evidence of this research is that organizational changes brought about by the External Evaluation of the schools are minor and did not bring improvements in educational achievement of students. A key finding is the lack of training in evaluation, not only of the Self Evaluation Team elements School, but also of most teachers.
The basic question that guided this research was to understand to what extent the external evaluation of schools contributes to organizational improvement of school clusters of the two districts Minho: Braga and Viana do Castelo. The methodology used was mixed, although it highlighted the quantitative methodology in collecting the data, conducted by questionnaire survey. The results showed that the model of external evaluation is complex, highly values the educational attainment, does not address the socio-economic contexts of schools in the evaluation and does not contribute to these develop their autonomy. The three major changes observed in the groups with external evaluation were: the creation of higher levels of demand in the global performance of the groups; their involvement with the local community; and an improvement in the collaborative work of teachers. The main factors blocking the implementation of school self-evaluation processes are: the lack of specific training; guidance; and support provided to self-evaluation the teams. The learning and the educational achievement of students showed no improvements to the external evaluation; the construction of school autonomy has been marked by a slow process; the education system is still very centralized, hampering its development. There are discrepancies with the purpose of the intended External Evaluation by the General Inspection of Education and Science and that is perceived in schools. According to the study that the main evidence of this research is that organizational changes brought about by the External Evaluation of the schools are minor and did not bring improvements in educational achievement of students. A key finding is the lack of training in evaluation, not only of the Self Evaluation Team elements School, but also of most teachers.
Escolas , Avaliação , Avaliação externa , Resultados escolares , Modelo de avaliação , Desenvolvimento organizacional , Schools , Evaluation , School results , Evaluation model , Organizational development
Document Type
Doctoral thesis
Publisher Version
Ferreira, F. M. P. C. (2014). A perceção das escolas sobre a avaliação externa e o seu impacto nos resultados escolares dos alunos. (Tese de Doutoramento), Universidade Portucalense, Portugal. Disponível no Repositório UPT, http://hdl.handle.net/11328/1571.
Doutoramento em Educação.
Access Type
Open Access