Silva, Maria Manuela Magalhães
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Maria Manuela Magalhães
Maria Manuela Magalhães Silva
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IJP - Instituto Jurídico Portucalense
O Instituto Jurídico Portucalense (IJP) é um centro de investigação em ciências jurídicas que tem como objetivo principal promover, apoiar e divulgar a investigação científica nessa área do saber produzida na Universidade Portucalense e nos Institutos Politécnicos de Leiria e de Lisboa, suas parceiras estratégicas.
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Publicação Acesso Aberto Artificial intelligence related to education as seen by the European Union2022-03 - Ferreira, Maria João; Alves, Dora Resende; Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesEach year, the Commission presents the Digitality indices of the Economy and Society (IDES) and Portugal appears relatively well-positioned compared to the European average. However, will this indication be enough to educate new generations regarding the desired digital transformation?. More than 80% of young people in Europe use the internet for social activities, but on the other hand, the lack of knowledge about fundamental rights and the exercise of citizenship is still worrying. European and national citizenship are not fully exercised and we are already moving towards the construction of a new digital citizenship with new associated rights. What makes you question whether education is achieving its ends?. As new technologies, how could the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) be aimed at guaranteeing the educational process towards a better use of democracy in EU? The literature presents several definitions of AI; according to the British one, AI can be defined as "the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks normally associated with intelligent beings". And, it is in this context, the use of AI goes through the most varied fields of action ranging from society in general to areas such as medicine, production, and education. In the education area, the object of this study, AI, is used for several purposes: (i) institutional use - (1) marketing to prospective students, (2) calculating class sizes, (3) planning curricula, and (4) allocating resources such as financial aid and facilities. (ii) Student support - (1) help in automatically scheduling their course load, (2) recommendation of courses, majors and career paths (such recommendations are based on how students with similar data profiles performed in the past, (3) just-in-time financial help (Educational institutions can use data on students to provide them with microloans or advances at the last minute of payment if they need the money to, for example, reach the end of the semester and not drop out. (iii) Preventing dropout through predictive analytics by providing early warnings by analyzing a wide range of data, e.g., academic, non-academic, and operational data. (iv) And, the last but not the least, educational institutions already apply IA in training/teaching, using IA-based software systems that respond to the pace and progress of individual students. The system evaluates students' progress and recommends, or automatically delivers, specific parts of a course for students to review and/or additional resources to consult. However, in this context, although AI-based systems can successfully help the presented activities, some cautions and issues arise, namely student autonomy and privacy. This study intends to take a look into the legislative and preparatory documents and cases presented in the literature that enshrine the issue of digital education and the use of Artificial Intelligence. For this, an integrative literature review will be used. From a theoretical and academic perspective, it is consolidated through the systematic and methodologically selected normative interpretation of national and international legal texts and the law of the European Union. Without presenting quantitative data, the intention is to bring to the discussion and debate the contribution of Artificial Intelligence in digital education as framed in the legislative intentions of the EU.Publicação Acesso Aberto A importância dos meios de comunicação na promoção do direito à educação e à informação2017-04-06 - Alves, Dora Resende; Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesO direito à educação e à informação são direitos fundamentais em democracia. O objetivo desta análise é demonstrar que o papel da comunicação social é crucial, e que a UE promove ativamente a educação, investigação e inovação.Publicação Acesso Aberto Estudo/Comentário Projecto de Tratado que estabelece uma Constituição para a Europa2003-10-01 - Alves, Dora Resende; Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesCorresponde o presente texto ao Estudo/comentário sobre o Projecto de Tratado que estabelece uma Constituição para a Europa, solicitado pela Associação Portuguesa do Ensino Superior (APESP) *a Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique, para dar resposta ao pedido da Comissão de Assuntos Europeus e Política Externa da Assembleia da República. [...]Publicação Acesso Aberto Human and fundamental rights, diversity and integration within education system in EU: Paradigma(s)2019-09 - Campina, Ana; Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesPublicação Acesso Aberto A relação entre do direito à educação e a comunicação no Estado de Direito2018-03-21 - Alves, Dora Resende; Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesTem o direito à educação como direito fundamental acompanhado na comunicação a evolução do Estado democrático? É possível encontrar o direito à educação consagrado quer ao nível do direito interno dos Estados, nos textos constitucionais, quer ao nível do direito internacional seja em organizações gerais, como as Nações Unidas (ONU), ou regionais, como a União Europeia (UE). A faceta de consagração foi já conseguida. Mas será essa vertente jurídica suficiente e, mais ainda, resultará ela clara na comunicação que chega ao cidadão comum?Publicação Acesso Aberto A história Constitucional portuguesa e a adaptação da atual Constituição da República Portuguesa à integração Europeia: breves notas.2009 - Silva, Maria Manuela Magalhães; Alves, Dora ResendePublicação Acesso Restrito O respeito pelos direitos fundamentais nos procedimentos de direito da concorrência da União Europeia no âmbito do Regulamento Nº 1/20032018 - Alves, Dora Resende; Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesApresenta-se uma aproximação breve ao dever de respeito da Comissão Europeia pelos direitos fundamentais no exercício dos procedimentos do direito da concorrência da União Europeia. No desempenho dos seus poderes de investigação ao abrigo do Regulamento nº 1/2003, cabe à Comissão respeitar os princípios gerais e direitos de defesa garantidos pelo direito comunitário.Publicação Acesso Restrito Soberania e União Europeia2007-12 - Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesA criação pelos Estados contemporâneos de novos instrumentos para se relacionarem entre si constitui uma das principais modificações experimentadas, no século XX, pelo Direito Público. [...]Publicação Acesso Aberto Human and fundamental rights, diversity and integration within education system in EU: Paradigma(s)2019-12-28 - Campina, Ana; Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesThe education in nowadays European legal structure and strategic political context/action(s), as well as, within the UN System advocates the unquestionable respect for differences, quality and equal opportunities for "all". The social, economic, ethnic, cultural or religion characteristics of the educational structures, for students and teacher/professors, should be considered as a "natural wealth". It's important to state that education system should reconize the differences and develop a team work to promote the diversity in the pursuit of the guaranty of the equality in access, in the study stay as in the results, ensuring the teaching, the learning and the human strategies and resources conducting to the future society based on the promotion and defense of Human Rights in general, and in the European Fundamental Rights, in particularly.Publicação Acesso Aberto Notes about digital education in democracy and education about the European Union2021 - Alves, Dora Resende; Ferreira, Maria João; Silva, Maria Manuela MagalhãesDigitalization can be defined as a socio-technical process of applying digitalization techniques in social and institutional contexts that make digital technologies infrastructural. The context of increasing digitalization and connection of the real world to the digital world has led to changes in people everyday lives, markets, business relationships and value chains. Education accompanies and adapts to the new digital age. Digital education is a political intention. But is it already a reality? The pandemic situation outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020 came, suddenly, to put the use of technologies at an immediate and high level, but perhaps without full preparation. This unexpected use demonstrates the imperative need for concerted action to guarantee conscious and democratic access. If education values digital, another question arises as how to use the new ways to achieve a priority for the European Union: education about the European Union. It seems so obvious and simple and it is still so fragile and scattered. European literacy is still a skill to be acquired at a minimum level for most of the population in the Member States, as known by the Commission. In this context, it is intended to debate the valuation of the European Union's intentions in achieving access to digital media for education. This study, based on the literature review methodology, intends to look at the legislative and preparatory documents and cases presented in the literature that consecrate the issue of digital education. For this purpose, an integrative literature review will be used. Theoretical-academic, it is consolidated through systematic and methodologically selected normative interpretation of national, international legal texts and European Union law.