Cayolla, Ricardo
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Ricardo Roseira Cayolla
Currently, Ricardo Roseira Cayolla is an Associate Professor at Portucalense University.
Ricardo is the scientific coordinator of the Consumer Neuroscience Lab, from the investigation unit REMIT (research in economics, management and information technologies).
His main research area is marketing/sport management focusing on consumer neuroscience, consumer brand relationships, and sustainability.
Ph.D. in Marketing and Strategy, Ricardo Cayolla has also a course in Design Thinking for Business Innovation in ESADE. He is a Sports Specialist, presenting and advocating a thesis about his training system in tennis, applied for over twenty years. Beyond the academic field, former professional tennis player, Ricardo is also a tennis coach, writer, sports manager, and with a presence in the media. He owns a Tennis Academy and has written seven books. He’s also a commentator in Eurosport Portugal in tennis.
REMIT | Consumer Neuroscience Research Lab
Projetos de investigação
Unidades organizacionais
REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura.
Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture.
Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations:
- the understanding of local, national and international environment;
- the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.
7 resultados
Resultados da pesquisa
A mostrar 1 - 7 de 7
Publicação Acesso Aberto Neural correlates of fanhood: The role of fan identity and team brand strength2024-01-08 - Biscaia, Rui; Baumeister, Roy F.; Chan, Hang-Yee; Duarte, Isabel C.; Castelo-Branco, Miguel; Cayolla, RicardoIntroduction: We analyzed the importance of fan identity and brand strength on fans’ neural reactions to different team-related stimuli. Methods: A total of 53 fMRI scans with fans of two professional sport teams were conducted. Following up on a previous study we focused on the differences between fandom levels as well as the contrast between two team “brand” strength. Neural responses were compared among individuals based on their levels of fan identity. In sum, group comparisons between relatively high and lower identity and between weak and strong teams were made based on the notion that the latter reflects team brand strength (strong brand and weak brand). Results: Findings indicate that brain activity in emotion regulation, memory, and cognitive control circuits is influenced by the relative level of fan identity. Discussion: Higher-level identified fans showed increased reactivity to positive stimuli and the under-recruitment of their cognitive appraisal circuits, suggesting more vulnerability to marketers’ messages. The strength of the team brand activates different neural mechanisms. Interestingly, the posterior cingulate showed larger recruitment both for weaker brands and lower fan identification, suggesting that visual memory processes are more active in these cases. Neurally processed content depends on the relative brand’s strength, highlighting the importance of brand-focused communications.Publicação Acesso Restrito Does pro-environmental attitude predicts pro-environmental behavior? Comparing sustainability connection in emotional and cognitive environments among football fans and university students2023-11-01 - Cayolla, Ricardo; Escadas, Marco; McCullough, Brian P.; Biscaia, Rui; Cabilhas, Ana; Santos, TeresaEnvironmental sustainability is an imperative topic in contemporary business-related research, aiming to understand and predict how individuals' environmentally friendly behaviors can be encouraged. This research aims to empirically examine the relationship between individuals' pro-environmental attitude and pro-environmental behavior; and to compare two groups of individuals that encompass emotional and cognitive links to environmental sustainability: emotionally involved sport fans and socially conscious university students. Two studies, involving more than 1400 respondents, were conducted. Study 1 uses structural equation modelling (SEM) to test the relationship between consumers' environmental attitudes and environmental behaviors. Study 2 uses SEM multigroup analysis to compare the attitudes and behaviors of sport fans and university students. The results showed that participants’ pro-environmental attitude had a positive and significant effect on pro-environmental behavior. The type of consumer plays an important role in strengthening the relationship between pro-environmental attitude and pro-environmental behavior. Despite the higher average levels of pro-environmental attitude and pro-environment behavior evidenced by the sport fans, the influence of attitude on behavior is higher on socially conscious students, the group with a more cognitive and intrinsic link with the natural environment and sustainability initiatives. Despite the positive link attitudes-behaviors, empirical insights suggest that the connection between sport fans and the club is vital to reinforce the commitment with a stronger match between attitudes and behaviors. The findings also have implications for practitioners and policymakers in optimizing their strategies to encourage effective pro-environmental actions.Publicação Acesso Restrito Fans' perceptions of pro-environmental sustainability initiatives in sport and triple bottom line benefits2023-01-24 - Escadas, Marco; Biscaia, Rui; Kellison, Timothy; Santos, Teresa; Cayolla, Ricardo; Quintela, JoanaThe purpose of this research is to examine fans' perceptions of pro-environmental sustainability initiatives promoted by a professional sport club and the ensuing effects on a triple bottom line (TBL) approach (i.e. fans' socially, environmentally and economically favourable behaviours).Publicação Acesso Restrito The neural bases of sport fan reactions to teams: Evidence from a neuroimaging study2023-09-16 - Biscaia, Rui; Baumeister, Roy F.; Fetscherin, Marc; Brito-Costa, Sónia; Duarte, Isabel C.; Castelo-Branco, Miguel; Cayolla, RicardoThis study uses neuroimaging methods to identify patterns of brain activation among sport fans in reaction to team stimuli. In a whole-brain analysis without selected regions in advance, the purposes were to identify the structures involved when fans are exposed to positive, neutral, and negative events and to learn what events activate more limbic networks. A total of 53 individuals participated in and functional magnetic resonance imaging experiment involving the presentation of videos in various situations. Findings indicate the activation of the cingulate gyrus and other structures of the limbic system, as the hippocampus and parahippocampus. We also found involvement of the ventral tegmental area of the reward system. Additionally, brain activity in emotional regulation and memory areas were more influenced by positive than neutral and negative videos. It was also found the involvement of other areas not directly included in the limbic or reward systems. This study provides the neural basis of fan reactions to team-related stimuli. Sport clubs should be aware that negative content seems to be suppressed from emotional memory and positive videos trigger more emotion and memory areas than neutral and negative videos.Publicação Acesso Aberto The rooted fan: Exploring suggested improvements to a professional sport team’s sustainability2022-06 - Kellison, Timothy; McCullough, Brian P.; Biscaia, Rui; Escadas, Marco; Santos, Teresa; Cayolla, RicardoSustainability initiatives in sport have the potential to tap large audiences and encourage climate action at events and in consumers’ daily life. However, their effectiveness depends on the acceptance of fans and other supporters (McCullough & Trail, 2021). Fans’ sustainable behaviors during sporting events and in daily life have been subject to researchers’ attention (Casper et al., 2021). Despite the many professional sport teams (PSTs) that have carried out campaigns to increase awareness of environmental problems (Cayolla et al., 2021), the effects of these campaigns among different types of fans are still unclear (Trail & McCullough, 2018). In addition, the suspension of almost all top sport leagues worldwide in the 2020–21 season (Weimar et al., 2021) limited the understanding of fans’ sustainable awareness and behaviors during sport events. Thus, this study aims to gain greater knowledge about the importance of PST sustainability initiatives for fans. [...]Publicação Acesso Restrito Exploring the evolution of suggested improvements to pro-environmental sustainability initiatives: Empirical evidence from a professional sport team2024-12-13 - Cayolla, Ricardo; Kellison, Timothy; McCullough, Brian P.; Biscaia, Rui; Escadas, Marco; Santos, TeresaWe examined fan feedback on a professional sport team’s (PST’s) pro-environmental sustainability initiatives, with particular attention to the extent to which these initiatives evolve. Two waves of data collection were conducted in a longitudinal perspective through an open-ended questionnaire to explore fans’ suggestions of pro-environmental sustainability initiatives that a professional sport club should promote. A total of 2,390 valid suggestions were obtained (n2020 = 1,019; n2021 = 1,371), and data were analyzed through multistep content analysis. Five broad themes emerged in the two waves of data collection: (a) sustainable venue design, (b) eco-friendly matchday operations, (c) green sponsorship activation, (d) pro-environmental communication, and (e) improving the overall matchday experience. Results suggest that it is crucial to know what sustainable initiatives PST fans consider more important and what suggestions they have to favor a more sustainable future. These results also highlight the importance of customizing PST communications and monitoring how initiatives evolve over time.Publicação Acesso Aberto Pro-environmental benefits of being deeply in love with the club: How brand love foster fans’ sustainable behaviours [abstract]2023-09-15 - Escadas, Marco; Biscaia, Rui; Ahuvia, Aaron; Santos, Teresa; Cayolla, RicardoPrevious studies have often pointed out how the importance of fans’ emotional connection with sport organizations (Koenigstorfer et al., 2010). However, little is known about how this connection can benefit society as a whole, particularly in terms of pro-environmental behaviours. This research aims to examine the relationship between fans’ perception of clubs’ pro-environmental sustainability initiatives and their pro-environmental behaviours, as well as the moderating role that brand love may exert in this relationship. [...]