Lobo, Carla Azevedo

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Carla Azevedo


Carla Azevedo Lobo


Carla Azevedo Lobo é doutorada em Gestão pela Universidade Portucalense. É Professora Auxiliar da Universidade Portucalense e leciona em cursos de Licenciatura, Mestrado e Doutoramento, na área das Ciências Empresariais. É também Coordenadora do Curso de Licenciatura em Gestão, desde 2010. É investigadora do REMIT (Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies). Foi a Investigadora Responsável do Projeto de Investigação ("IEcPBI”) na área dos Negócios Internacionais, financiado pelo COMPETE 2020, FEDER e FCT, entre 2018 - 2022. Afiliação: Investigadora do REMIT - Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies (departamento: DEG)

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura. Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations: - the understanding of local, national and international environment; - the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 5 de 5
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Internacionalização precoce: A importância das competências dos colaboradores e das redes relacionais
    2017 - Maldonado, Isabel; Lobo, Carla Azevedo
    Baseado na avaliação das opiniões de diferentes empresários, este estudo procura averiguar qual a importância atribuída a diversos fatores considerados potenciadores/indutores do processo de internacionalização por parte das empresas que se internacionalizam cedo no seu ciclo de vida. São considerados fatores como as redes relacionais, as competências específicas dos empresários e a experiência internacional dos colaboradores. O estudo empírico é efetuado com base numa amostra de 320 empresas portuguesas sendo utilizadas metodologias de Análise Exploratória de Dados e metodologias de Inferência Estatística Univariada. Foram encontradas evidências da importância para os empresários portugueses das Redes Relacionais, bem como das Competências Específicas dos Colaboradores, da Experiência Internacional dos Colaboradores, em consonância com a Teoria das Redes, a Teoria do Capital Humano, a Teoria das International New Ventures, a Population Ecology Approach e com a Attention Based View.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    International New Ventures and Early Internationalization: Relational networks and workers specific skills as enhancing agents
    2018 - Pinho, Carlos; Lobo, Carla Azevedo; Maldonado, Isabel
    Based on the opinions of different entrepreneurs, this study seeks to determine the importance of several factors as inducers of the internationalization process by companies that have internationalized early in their life cycle. Factors such as the relational networks, entrepreneurs’ specific skills and international experience of employees are considered. The empirical study was conducted on a sample of 320 Portuguese companies. Data Exploratory Analysis methodologies and Univariate Statistical Inference methodologies were used. Evidence was found for the importance of Relational Networks, for Specific skills of the employees, and for the International Experience of employees, in line with the chosen Theoretical Model.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    International new ventures and early internationalization: Networks and skills as enhancing agents
    2019-01-28 - Pinho, Carlos; Maldonado, Isabel; Lobo, Carla Azevedo
    The skills of the employees, and for the International Experience of employees, in line with the chosen Theoretical Model. current research on international new ventures has been trying to understand the processes that support companies in their decision to early enter foreign markets. The role of learning and knowledge as become one of the arising topics in the literature. Recent empirical evidences provide important insights on the internationalization of new business. Younger firms are able to compensate their limited experiential learning at company level, through learning based on previous experiences of the management team, and through inter-organizational relationships (vicarious learning). The most common type of vicarious learning discussed in conceptual and empirical works involves learning with a network: depending on the position of a company in the network, this will define its range of opportunities and constraints and these relationships have a strong impact on market selection as well as on entry mode because they make it easier to identify and exploit new opportunities. Based on the opinions of different entrepreneurs, this study seeks to determine the importance of several factors as inducers of the internationalization process by companies that have internationalized early in their life cycle. Factors such as the relational networks, entrepreneurs’ specific skills and international experience of employees are considered. The empirical study was conducted on a sample of 320 Portuguese companies. Data Exploratory Analysis methodologies and Univariate Statistical Inference methodologies were used. Evidence was found for the importance of Relational Networks, for Specific.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Early internationalization: The importance of skills and relational networks
    2017 - Lobo, Carla Azevedo; Maldonado, Isabel
    Companies are currently required to continually innovate and restructure their operations in order to respond to the requirements of national and international competition. Companies have to find new ways to develop competitive advantages and acquire new skills, resources and capabilities. Since the 90’s, the research on international new ventures (INV) contested the idea that new or small companies can’t be early internationalized or that they would only do so incrementally. Since then, a growing flow of research into international new ventures has tried to understand the causes, processes, and outcomes of the decision to early enter foreign markets. A common thread concerns the role of learning and knowledge. Organizational knowledge, or its absence, was a central explanation for internationalization in original stage-based models (Uppsala School), but INV theory recognized that individual factors such as international experience can also influence the pace and specially the beginning of internationalization. More specifically, some recent empirical evidence offers important insights into the internationalization of new business, showing that younger companies are able to compensate for their limited experiential learning through previous individual experiences of the top management team and through inter-organizational relationships. Based on our literature review we intend to evaluate entrepreneurs’ opinions, in order to ascertain whether factors such as a relational network, worker’s specific skills and "worker’s international experience, can act as enhancing agents or inducers of the company internationalization process. Moreover we intend to investigate if there are differences in the importance of these factors to those companies that internationalize early in their life cycle (maturity level). An empirical study was carried out with 320 Portuguese companies through Exploratory Analysis and Univariate Statistical Inference methodologies. We found evidence that allows us to say that companies that internationalize early in their life cycle are those which most value the importance of worker’s specific skills and worker’s international experience. However relational networks don’t depend on companies’ maturity level.Keywords: Internationalization, skills, networks.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Early internationalization enhancing factors: Comparative study for Portuguese firms between 2014 and 2019
    2020 - Maldonado, Isabel; Pacheco, Luís Miguel; Lobo, Carla Azevedo
    Com base numa revisão exaustiva da literatura esta investigação pretende averiguar qual a importância atribuída a diversos fatores considerados potenciadores/indutores do processo de internacionalização por parte das empresas que se internacionalizam cedo no seu ciclo de vida, utilizando a avaliação das opiniões dos próprios empresários. São considerados fatores como as redes relacionais, as competências específicas dos empresários e a experiência internacional dos colaboradores. Esta investigação pretende, para além de determinar quais os fatores impulsionadores da estratégia de internacionalização destas empresas, aferir, através de um estudo comparado entre as perspetivas dos empresários em 2014 e em 2019, das possíveis oscilações nas estratégias internacionais dos empresários portugueses, durante o período de crise económica (2014) e um período pós-crise (2019). Para atingir estes objetivos utilizamos os dados de um questionário enviado para as “empresas exportadoras e/ou com interesse em exportar” da Base de Dados da AICEP - Portugal Global, em 2014 e posteriormente em 2019. Pretende-se assim confirmar os anteriores resultados em que foram encontradas evidências da importância para os empresários portugueses das Redes Relacionais, bem como das Competências Específicas dos Colaboradores, da Experiência Internacional dos Colaboradores, em consonância com a Teoria das Redes, a Teoria do Capital Humano, a Teoria das International New Ventures, a Population Ecology Approach e com a Attention Based View.