Lopes, Filomena Castro

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Filomena Castro


Filomena Castro Lopes


Lecturer since October 1986. Associate Professor at Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique since September 2003, where she also held the following positions: chairwoman of the University¿s Pedagogical Council (2002-2003), representative of the Department of Information Technologies to the Pedagogical Council (2004-2005), programme director for the undergraduate degree in Computation and Management (2002-2006), admissions officer for the technological specialisation programmes (2004-2006), programme director for the PhD degree in Information Technologies (2009-2015), head of the Department of Innovation, Science and Technology (November 2006-April 2014), and head of the Department of Economics, Management and Information Technologies (April 2014-April 2018). Lecturer at the University of Aveiro (2005-2009) and the Catholic University of Braga (2006-2007). Lectured several courses in the area of Information Systems and Technologies at the undergraduate, Masters and PhD levels, as well as postgraduate specialisation degrees.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura. Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations: - the understanding of local, national and international environment; - the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 6 de 6
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Development of creativity and critical thinking skills: Findings from students participating in a PBL experience
    2023-07 - Fernandes, Sandra; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    Finding ways to promote the development of skills needed for a successful transition of students from higher education to the labour market is an important issue that needs to be considered by teachers, when organizing the teaching and learning process. Active learning methods, in particular, Project Based Learning (PBL) have proven to be an effective teaching learning approach, bringing the reality of work to the classroom and thus improving the development of student skills. Creativity and critical thinking have been pointed out, in different studies, as one of the most relevant and necessary skills in the labour market since they support the development of societies. In addition, the increasing digitization of human work and the advancement of artificial intelligence reinforce the importance of developing these skills in students, since they are skills that are more difficult to automate and become one of the most valued by the job market. This paper aims to analyse how creativity and critical thinking are developed in the context of a PBL experience. The paper begins with an understanding of what is meant by creativity and critical thinking and then discusses the development of this competence through PBL. It ends with the analysis of a survey applied to students of the 3rd year of the Management degree, within the scope of the curricular unit called Information Systems for Management, which aimed to i) analyse how the teacher, throughout the project (PBL), contributes to the development of these competences and ii) to assess whether the students felt that PBL contributes to the development of these competences.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Analysis of students performance in a higher education institution - conditioning factors and new strategies: an approach based on business intelligence
    2020 - Pereira, José; Lopes, Filomena Castro; Seruca, Isabel
    The trend of massification seen in recent years in Higher Education (HE) in Portugal has provided access to groups of students very different socio-culturally from each other, with a greater presence of non-traditional students, that is, worker-students, International students, students from professional and technological specialization courses and special regimes (e.g. Higher than 23 years). Associated with the diversity of students who access HE, the question arises of their academic skills and motivations, since the instituted numerus clausus system favors the increase in the percentage of students not placed in first option “course-institution” pairs. On the other hand, the implementation of quality assurance systems in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and the increased requirements for accreditation of courses and research centers lead HEIs to be increasingly concerned with issues related to improving teaching-learning and training efficiency. HEIs therefore need instruments that allow them to better understand who their natural candidates are and what factors influence the academic success rate of students enrolled in their courses. With this information available, they will be able to act more precisely in the specific and more personalized follow-up of groups of students with characteristics of identified education path/academic results, as well as optimize their resources in the training offer and consequently in attracting students. The work reported in this paper aims to analyze, using a Business Intelligence (BI) system, the characteristics of students enrolled in the various courses of a Portuguese HEI, and to determine the influence of several factors on students' academic success. These factors include data related to students’ academic background prior to entering HE and sociodemographic data that will be crossed with information regarding students' performance along and in the completion of the HEI enrollment course. For this purpose, a sample of students enrolled in 1st cycle courses of the HEI between 2011 to 2019 was used, considering the following variables for the analysis: secondary school attended, admission regime and grade, gender, age, region of provenance, educational level and parents’ professional situation. These data were previously anonymized and correlated with data related to the students' performance during the course and employment situation at the end of the course. The QlikSense BI tool was used and the analysis of indicators and correlations carried out were made available through a performance monitoring system. The contribution of this work is two-fold. On the one hand, the study of the indicators and segmentation of students carried out within the scope of this project may serve as a basis for a better knowledge of the profiles of students of the target HEI and an understanding of the factors that influence the academic and professional success of students. With the knowledge obtained, the HEI will be able to more easily design a differentiating strategy for the enrolled students, taking into account their respective profiles and evidenced needs, improving the training offer and creating opportunities at curricular and extracurricular level, as well as providing adapted tutoring projects to the various groups. On the other hand, the training efficiency indicators and correlations identified may serve as a basis for other projects and initiatives to analyze the performance of students in HE.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Critical success factors for BI implementation in a portuguese higher education institution
    2022-03-30 - Cardoso, Abílio; Morais, Paula; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    The benefits recognized by integrated systems, integration, and information quality are beginning to prove insufficient to support decision-making and organization competitiveness. In this context, there is a marked growth of business intelligence (BI) systems, recognizing their analytical capacity and data integration. However, BI implementation projects bring to light two relevant technological critical success factors (CSFs): systems integration and information quality. This article reports the implementation of a BI project in a higher education institution. This project corroborates the literature highlighting the relevance of the technological CSF in achieving a successful BI implementation. Some recommendations to overcome difficulties regarding the technological CSF are also proposed.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    What will the future of work look like for IS professionals? The picture of Portugal
    2020 - Mesquita, Anabela; Camarinha, Ana Paula; Malta, Pedro; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    Many professions, in the most diverse sectors of activity, have undergone great changes over time, largely due to the responsibility of technological evolution. The rapid evolution of information technologies will, certainly imply, that employment in general and employment in Information Systems (IS), in particular, undergoes major changes both in terms of creating new professions and even for the extinction of others, as indeed it has already happened when professions such as telephone operators, typists, telegram distributors, typographers and even encyclopedias sellers disappeared. The purpose of this article is to analyze the changes that can be expected in employment in IS for 2030 - how will work in IS be: what professions will be extinguished, which ones must adapt to the new reality and what the need for professions that do not yet exist. After a review of the literature on the evolution of employment in IS over the years, realizing the trends of its evolution, a guide was elaborated for semistructured interviews that were used in meetings with 6 (six) Portuguese organizations, in order to list their perceptions of the changes that are expected in the very near future. From the analysis of results, it will be possible to have a clearer idea of the changes that are already occurring today, as well as what still needs to be changed. This answer will allow us to reflect on how to prepare tomorrow’s professionals, in IS, for the job market in 2030.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    University-industry collaboration in the design and functioning of a doctoral programme in business science
    2020 - Sousa, Cristina; Magalhães, M.; Jayantilal, Shital; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    This study analyses the creation of an innovative doctoral program in Portugal, aimed at management professionals and guided by a strong interaction between the university and industry. In the current global economy, frequently punctuated by sharp disruptions, firms are expected to develop innovative responses and workers are expected to acquire new skills. In this context, university–industry cooperation becomes increasingly important for promoting economic growth and enhancing competitiveness. This cooperation is bidirectional, bringing benefits to both parts. On the one hand, universities transfer knowledge and technology to companies allowing them to create value and to innovate in their processes and products. On the other hand, collaboration with firms allows universities to refine their teaching and research strategies by realising the implications of knowledge production for the economy and society. Thus, it is assumed that doctoral programs can be an important channel of knowledge and technology transfer from the university to the industry, particularly if both parties are involved in their conception. The paper start by identifying the premises for, and describing the experience of designing of PhD programme in Management, in close collaboration with firms, whose aims were: i) to fulfil the university's mission of transferring knowledge to companies and society through the creation of taught programmes, and ii) to respond to the need for the university's research from society and specifically from firms whose value creation depends on innovation and knowledge creation and therefore on advanced skills and competences. This will then be followed by an analysis of how the programme works and which factors account for Doctoral students’ and firms' interest in this PhD programme.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Emprego em SI
    2022 - Mesquita, Anabela; Camarinha, Ana Paula; Malta, Pedro; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    A evolução das tecnologias tem introduzido mudanças, ao longo do tempo, nas profissões dos vários setores de atividade. A rápida evolução das tecnologias de informação, seguramente, irá ter repercussões nas profissões, tal como no passado. As alterações tecnológicas terão impactos no emprego em geral e no emprego em Sistemas de Informação (SI), em particular. Neste capítulo, perspetiva-se como será o emprego em SI em 2030. Para isso, faz-se uma revisão de literatura para se sistematizar a evolução do emprego em SI e apontar tendências. De seguida, recorre-se a entrevistas semiestruturadas realizadas em seis empresas portuguesas, para examinar as perceções quanto às tendências apontadas no emprego em SI: que profissões existirão, que competências e como será realizado o trabalho. Os resultados permitirão ter uma perceção das alterações que ocorrem atualmente no emprego em SI contribuindo para uma reflexão sobre a preparação de profissionais nesta área, no mercado de trabalho em 2030.