Lopes, Filomena Castro

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Filomena Castro


Filomena Castro Lopes


Lecturer since October 1986. Associate Professor at Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique since September 2003, where she also held the following positions: chairwoman of the University¿s Pedagogical Council (2002-2003), representative of the Department of Information Technologies to the Pedagogical Council (2004-2005), programme director for the undergraduate degree in Computation and Management (2002-2006), admissions officer for the technological specialisation programmes (2004-2006), programme director for the PhD degree in Information Technologies (2009-2015), head of the Department of Innovation, Science and Technology (November 2006-April 2014), and head of the Department of Economics, Management and Information Technologies (April 2014-April 2018). Lecturer at the University of Aveiro (2005-2009) and the Catholic University of Braga (2006-2007). Lectured several courses in the area of Information Systems and Technologies at the undergraduate, Masters and PhD levels, as well as postgraduate specialisation degrees.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura. Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations: - the understanding of local, national and international environment; - the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 7 de 7
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Implementing a Business Information System to improve the quality assurance mechanisms in a Portuguese higher education institution
    2019 - Lopes, Filomena Castro; Morais, Paula
    Higher education institutions (HEIs) face, nowadays, enormous challenges to be competitive in a global world. The competitive environment means that HEIs, like other organizations, must be concerned with evaluating and monitoring their strategic objectives. Business Information (BI) systems combine different sources of information, from different information systems (IS), with analytical tools to present competitive information to planners and decision makers. In this way, BI systems emerge as tools that allow institutions to create future competitive advantages. This paper presents a case study of a Portuguese HEI, describing the implementation of a BI system to support the quality assurance system, and to improve its future strategy. This study focuses on one of the three HEI mission vectors: Teaching and Learning. As a result of this work, it was possible to parameterize the BI system, and to identify the digital information missing in the IS, and the necessary developments to collect it.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Information management and knowledge management: are portuguese organizations feeling the difference?
    2010 - Morais, Paula; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    Although there are some works trying to clarify the difference between Information Management, IM, and Knowledge management, KM, the distinction between those concepts is far from being well understood in the business community. This lack of clarity increases with the fact that some KM literature authors use the two terms indiscriminately, others argue that KM includes IM, and still others define them independently, but relating them. For instance, some authors say that KM has two ages, the first corresponding to IM, aiming to store, explore and transfer explicit knowledge; the second aiming to explore, improve communication and innovation, focusing the need to manage tacit knowledge, moving from transmit to learn, becoming a social activity and not only a technological one. Nevertheless there is a growing interest in KM and organizations say they are doing it, and even in many large, and some small, organizations a new corporate executive is emerging – the chief knowledge officer, CKO. Are they different from the chief information officers, CIO? Are organizations really making KM? Is there, in practice, any difference between KM and IM? To provide some answers to these questions, this paper presents empirical evidence of how IM/KM is practiced in some Portuguese organizations. Based on an exploratory study conducted in four Portuguese organizations, the paper describes the practices that are being developed in those organizations, discussing them in order to answer the questions: How do organizations interpret the concepts of IM/KM, do they think they are different? Which IM/KM processes they develop? Which computer based systems are used to support those processes? Who leads IM/KM and which skills are necessary to those executives?
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    A framework for characterizing knowledge management systems.
    2005 - Pinto, Mário Paulo; Morais, Paula; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    This paper presents a framework for characterizing knowledge management systems (KMS). The framework has a descriptive nature and aims to be useful both to characterize and to drive KMS implementations, facilitating the identification and selection of appropriate tools according organization needs. A review of KMS categories was made to identify their underlying assumptions and purposes, and a systematization of intellectual capital (IC) measurement models was developed with the purpose of identifying the main components normally used to measure IC and to analyse if those measures are addressed by KMS.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Critical success factors for BI implementation in a portuguese higher education institution
    2022-03-30 - Cardoso, Abílio; Morais, Paula; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    The benefits recognized by integrated systems, integration, and information quality are beginning to prove insufficient to support decision-making and organization competitiveness. In this context, there is a marked growth of business intelligence (BI) systems, recognizing their analytical capacity and data integration. However, BI implementation projects bring to light two relevant technological critical success factors (CSFs): systems integration and information quality. This article reports the implementation of a BI project in a higher education institution. This project corroborates the literature highlighting the relevance of the technological CSF in achieving a successful BI implementation. Some recommendations to overcome difficulties regarding the technological CSF are also proposed.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Specific requirements of human resources in the IT sector in Portugal.
    2015 - Baldaque, Alexandra; Azevedo, Casimiro; Costa-Lobo, Cristina; Lopes, Filomena Castro; Morais, Paula; Santos-Pereira, Carla
    The strong growth in recent years in the ICT sector has been limited by the shortage in the number of professionals available to fill the growing number of jobs that emerge in this area. This is a particularly serious problem in Europe where the shortage stubbornly persists, despite the efforts made by European leaders over the past decade. Aware of these needs, we carried out a study on the specific needs of human resources in the ICT sector in Portugal in the view of retraining unemployed, in partnership with ANETIE, National Association of Information Technology and Electronics Enterprises. The study began with a search aiming to identify the existing ICT professions, coming to a list of 15 professions applicable in Portugal. Based on several European studies we constructed a list of technical activities and responsibilities associated with each profession. As the next step a survey was conducted using a questionnaire aimed to gather information about the relevant professions in the ICT sector, the main activities to be undertaken, and the needed skills, not only technical, but also soft, cognitive, business and communication skills. The results show that the Software Developer is the profession with more number of workers existing in the enterprises from the sample, but it is also the most needed in the next three years. Five other professions should, also, be highlighted as the most needed: IT Consultant, Technical Specialist (HW/ SW), Helpdesk Professional, Project Manager and Sales Manager. The CIO profession was not mentioned by any organization.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Developing a model for linking knowledge management systems and intellectual capital measurement.
    2006 - Pinto, Mário Paulo; Morais, Paula; Lopes, Filomena Castro
    Knowledge management systems (KMS) and intellectual capital (IC) measurement seek to increase the knowledge assets and the knowledge activities that bring competitive advantage to organizations. However, generally KMS ignore the IC measurement. This paper presents a model for linking these issues, showing the contibution of KMS to the IC measurement and their impact to organizations value creation. The model outlined in this paper should offer valuable guidelines to measuring the intangible assets through the knowledge wrapped in different KMS.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Transitions from higher education to labour market: Observatory of internships in business organizations
    2017 - Magalhães, Miguel; Costa-Lobo, Cristina; Morais, Paula; Lopes, Filomena Castro; Fernandes, Sandra; Freitas, Isabel Vaz de
    The main objective of the present study is to present a proposal for an observatory based on the impact of Curricular Internships in business organizations, internships in higher education, with the overall goal to provide a better understanding of the transition process of students from higher education to the labour market. In this paper, besides the bibliographical revision carried out, preliminary results from an ongoing empirical study carried out with students enrolled in the Management Bachelor degree at the Portucalense University, Portugal, will be presented. This study aims to provide evidence for the development of an Observatory based on the impact of student curricular Internships in business organizations. Data collection was based on the analysis of results from student evaluations achieved in the Internship course, in the academic years of 2014/15 and 2015/16, of the Management degree at UPT. For this, the evaluation results of students provided by the Curricular Internship Advisor, through an Evaluation Form completed at the end of the internship (evaluation criteria focus mainly on the assessment of transversal competences) and the evaluation results based on student ’s final grade achieved in the internship course (as a result of the evaluation of the internship report, its presentation and public discussion), were considered. Based on the statistical analysis carried out, results show that the average results obtained in both academic years are very similar. In 2014/15, the average evaluation was of 4.4 points, while in 2015/16 the average achieved was 4.5 points, based on a five-point Likert scale. Findings obtained from this Observatory contribute to widen the analysis of its effectiveness in terms of future research and actions in regard to the transition of Higher Education pathways to the Labour Market.