Sobral, Sónia Rolland

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Sónia Rolland


Sónia Rolland Sobral


Licenciada em Informática de Gestão, mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, doutora em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação e possui o título de agregado em Ciências da Informação. Desde 1993 é docente da Universidade Portucalense (UPT), sendo atualmente professora associada com agregação. Lecionou em diversos cursos como Engenharia Informática e Engenharia e Gestão Industrial, em diversas instituições como Lodz University of Technology e a Universidade de Aveiro, e em diversos países como Angola e Cabo Verde. Participou em diferentes órgãos, tendo sido presidente do Conselho Pedagógico da UPT. Pertence à comissão de várias conferências internacionais e revistas científicas. É autora de uma centena de publicações, a sua maioria indexadas na SCOPUS e/ou WoS. É membro integrado no REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies, sendo atualmente coordenadora de um dos dois grupos de investigação (Transformação Digital e Inovação nas Organizações). Afiliação: REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies. DCT - Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura. Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations: - the understanding of local, national and international environment; - the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 10 de 10
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    How Does Learning Analytics Contribute to Prevent Students’ Dropout in Higher Education: A Systematic Literature Review
    2021-11-04 - Oliveira, Catarina Félix de; Sobral, Sónia Rolland; Ferreira, Maria João; Moreira, Fernando
    Retention and dropout of higher education students is a subject that must be analysed carefully. Learning analytics can be used to help prevent failure cases. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the scientific production in this area in higher education in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science and Elsevier’s Scopus. We use a bibliometric and systematic study to obtain deep knowledge of the referred scientific production. The information gathered allows us to perceive where, how, and in what ways learning analytics has been used in the latest years. By analysing studies performed all over the world, we identify what kinds of data and techniques are used to approach the subject. We propose a feature classification into several categories and subcategories, regarding student and external features. Student features can be seen as personal or academic data, while external factors include information about the university, environment, and support offered to the students. To approach the problems, authors successfully use data mining applied to the identified educational data. We also identify some other concerns, such as privacy issues, that need to be considered in the studies.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Enhancing Higher Education in Portugal: Leveraging generative Artificial Intelligence for learning-teaching process
    2024-10-23 - Santos-Pereira, Carla; Ferreira, Maria João; Sobral, Sónia Rolland; Durão, Natércia; Moreira, Fernando
    Recent advancements in Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) have revolutionized numerous fields, including higher education. This study focuses on the integration of GAI in Portuguese higher education institutions and explores its multifaceted implications and potential. Our research, conducted through a comprehensive survey between April and June 2023, engages with higher education faculty to understand their perceptions and utilization of GAI tools in teaching and learning processes. The potential of GAI to enhance personalized learning and interactive teaching methodologies is significant. It enables the creation of customized educational content, interactive simulations, and real-time feedback mechanisms, thus reducing the educators' workload and enhancing the learning experience. However, this integration is not without challenges. The study identifies critical ethical concerns around the use of GAI, including data privacy, intellectual property, and the potential for bias in AI-generated content. Additionally, our findings indicate varying acceptance and readiness among educators to adopt these technologies. While some express enthusiasm for the potential of GAI to transform educational practices, others remain cautious, highlighting the need for comprehensive training and support to leverage GAI capabilities fully. This paper captures the essence of the study's findings, illustrating both the promising opportunities and the complex challenges associated with using Generative AI in higher education. Higher education institutions can significantly enhance teaching and learning landscapes by addressing these challenges and fostering an informed and ethical approach to GAI integration.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Exploring the impact of Artificial Intelligence generative tools on research in Higher Education Institutions: A perspective from Portugal
    2024-10-23 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland; Ferreira, Maria João; Santos-Pereira, Carla; Durão, Natércia; Moreira, Fernando
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) generative tools have emerged as transformative instruments in various domains, including research and academia. It is important to see what is positive and what is not. This study focuses on the integration of GAI in Portuguese higher education institutions and explores its multifaceted implications and potential. Our research was conducted through a comprehensive survey between April and June 2023, garnering 77 responses. To this purpose, the analysis will have several insights into the research process, namely, to assess the frequency of use and objectives of using generative AI for higher education research and to explore possible trends and future directions in the adoption and application of generative AI in this field.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Technology and the youth of the generation z: A case study of college students at a law school
    2016 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland
    This article belongs to a study to portray the university students of the generation Z, particularly those who did not follow technological courses. The widespread idea que these young people are experts in technology may not be correct. Digital natives live surrounded by technology, use technology to communicate and to have fun, but many of them show a lack of knowledge of some tools, including MsOffice. These tools prove to be essential during their academic life and their future working life. This article presents results from two surveys: the initial investigation on computer equipment possessed, social networks used, kind of applications access, knowledge of MsOffice tools; the second survey on MsOffice tools, was completed at the end of the course, in which were not taught but were necessary for the final work preparation and presentation. In Portugal there is a curriculum in secondary education but not all students were included. What we want is to know the knowledge that students have when they go to university and the knowledge they need to have to go to the labor market.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Algorithms and initial programming: Different public, different teaching-learning?
    2016 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland
    How to teach the first steps in programming is an old question: How to teach? What to teach? Who learns best? What is the right age to start? Women are just as capable as men? All these issues concern IT teachers. We can have much experience teaching algorithms and initial programming but we have no certainties; we need have the best clues to improve performance. The study of this paper compares two completely different groups: one consisting of college students a 1st cycle degree in computer science and another group of unemployed adults. The surveys were completed at the beginning and at the end of an introductory module to programming concepts, using top-down and algorithms. The first survey (initial) focuses on taste, dexterity, use and computer prior knowledge, the second (final) on the ease/difficulty with algorithmic reasoning, as well as its self-assessment for some taught knowledge during the module (such as read/write variables), use of cycles and if-then-else. The focus is to teach each person differently according to their characteristics. That would be excellent. This study characterizes the students so that they learn best.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Interpretable success prediction in a computer networks curricular unit using machine learning
    2024-07-25 - Oliveira, Catarina Félix de; Sobral, Sónia Rolland; Ferreira, Maria João; Moreira, Fernando
    Today, higher education institutions are focused on understanding which factors are associated with the failure or success of students to, early on, be able to implement measures that can reduce the low performance of students and even dropout. The retention rate is positively and negatively influenced by factors belonging to several dimensions (personal, environmental, and institutional). We aim to use information from those dimensions to identify students enrolled in a Computer Networks course at risk of failing the subject. Besides, this needs to happen as early as possible, to be able to provide the students, for example, with extra support or resources to try to prevent that negative outcome. For predicting the grade level on the first test, the best accuracy obtained was 55%. However, most C-level grades were correctly classified, with 63% accuracy in predicting the students that are most at risk of failing, which is one of our main objectives. As for the prediction of the second test’s grade level, the best accuracy obtained was 89% and concerned data regarding the students’ interaction with the LMS together with students’ grades history. All the C-level grades were correctly classified (100% accuracy) and so we were able to correctly predict every student at a high risk of failing. Using the procedure described in this paper, we are able to anticipate the students needing extra support, and provide them with different resources, to try to prevent their negative outcome.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Clustering Algorithm to Measure Student Assessment Accuracy: A Double Study
    2021-12-18 - Oliveira, Catarina Félix de; Sobral, Sónia Rolland
    Self-assessment is one of the strategies used in active teaching to engage students in the entire learning process, in the form of self-regulated academic learning. This study aims to assess the possibility of including self-evaluation in the student’s final grade, not just as a self-assessment that allows students to predict the grade obtained but also as something to weigh on the final grade. Two different curricular units are used, both from the first year of graduation, one from the international relations course (N = 29) and the other from the computer science and computer engineering courses (N = 50). Students were asked to self-assess at each of the two evaluation moments of each unit, after submitting their work/test and after knowing the correct answers. This study uses statistical analysis as well as a clustering algorithm (K-means) on the data to try to gain deeper knowledge and visual insights into the data and the patterns among them. It was verified that there are no differences between the obtained grade and the thought grade by gender and age variables, but a direct correlation was found between the thought grade averages and the grade level. The difference is less accentuated at the second moment of evaluation—which suggests that an improvement in the self-assessment skill occurs from the first to the second evaluation moment
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Introduction to programming: Portrait of Higher Education in computer science in Portugal
    2019-07 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland
    The first contact with computational thinking and programming languages of students entering higher education in computer science courses is extremely important for the professional future of these students: if successful it may indicate a promising career; otherwise it often leads to early abandonment of these students. The creation and maintenance of courses (1st cycle and 1st plus 2nd cycle integration) in information technology worries directors, coordinators and teachers of these courses. The area is in constant development and, despite the need for highly specialized technicians and almost zero unemployment, that it does not attract as much students who finish high school as it could. We found 193 courses in computer science in Portuguese higher education. Of these we have 106 1st Cycles, 15 Integrated and 1 Preparation; 66 different institutions. We study these courses: type of education (public or private), denomination of courses and types (1st cycle, integrated master's degree or preparation). 59 are public education courses: those in private education do not have much information on the internet. Of these 59 courses only 46 have information available online. This article belongs to an investigation that is done around the university courses of computer science: a picture of what exists, which are the vacancies, averages, success rates, how computer science and programming are linked in curricular terms, or in terms of curricular units and in terms of programming languages. This article focuses on the initial year and initial curricular units of programming of ten Portuguese computer courses that were considered more significant: programming languages, objectives, bibliography and type of evaluation. It is very important to study what is being done and how it is done.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Mobile learning in higher education: a bibliometric review
    2020 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland
    Changing habits leads to changes in ways of learning and teaching. The widespread use of smartphones appears as an opportunity and at the same time as a need for adoption in higher education institutions. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the scientific production on mobile learning in higher education in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics’ Web of Science and Elsevier’s Scopus. The sample was composed by 450 articles in total. The results obtained by bibliometric analysis showed that the publication rates continue to increase, in which journals they are published, which are the organizations and countries that publish the most, how the evolution of perspective has changed since 2010 and which are the most cited articles. We concluded that since mobile learning in higher education is a reality, there still seems to be a possibility for evolution in good quality publications.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Teaching and Learning to Program: Umbrella Review of Introductory Programming in Higher Education
    2021-07-23 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland
    Introductory programming courses in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) degrees are critical to student success throughout the students’ academic and professional route but have traditional failure and dropout rates. The number of publications and reviews on the subject is growing, so we realize the need to prepare an umbrella review, or review of reviews, to group previous studies and extract more comprehensive and ambitious results. Based on the databases ACM, Google Scholar, IEEE, SCOPUS and Web of Science libraries, a formal search was created that resulted in 21 reviews on programming fundamentals in higher education context. Results include bibliometric information on the CS1 reviews, in the context of higher education (namely annual evolution, number and information on authors, types and sources of information, countries of affiliation, languages, keywords and most cited articles), the purpose of the reviews and research questions, methods (namely search strategy, databases used, eligibility criteria) and results (number of records and tables or divisions were made to catalog the articles). We present a taxonomy with four different types of purpose: general, specific, student group and teacher directed. We found very interesting catalogs that can serve as a tool for future work, whether by researchers in the field or by authors who intend to carry out reviews related to introduction to programming, especially in the context of higher education.