Durão, Marília
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Marília Durão
Marília Durão is an Assistant Professor and Coordinator of the Hospitality Management Degree at the University Portucalense. She holds a PhD in Tourism and a Master’s degree in Tourism Management and Planning from the University of Aveiro. She has been actively involved in several research projects and EU capacity-building and strategic partnership initiatives focusing on human resources management in the tourism and hospitality industry, entrepreneurship and innovation, destination management, sustainable tourism, and ecotourism.
REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies.
DTPC - Departamento de Turismo, Património e Cultura.
Projetos de investigação
Unidades organizacionais
REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura.
Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture.
Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations:
- the understanding of local, national and international environment;
- the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.
4 resultados
Resultados da pesquisa
A mostrar 1 - 4 de 4
Publicação Acesso Restrito ‘Emotional’ female managers: How gendered roles influence tourism management discourse2017-12 - Costa, Carlos; Bakas, Fiona; Breda, Zélia; Durão, MaríliaDrawing on recent research conducted in Portugal, male and female tourism managers' perceptions of how gender roles influence managerial discourse are analyzed. The data, gathered through focus groups, is questioned from the ontological position that participants represent gendered economic subjectivities and hence participant accounts illustrate the ways in which gender roles influence tourism management discourse. This paper presents the multiple, context-specific issues arising from thematic analysis of focus group transcripts, using WebQda qualitative analysis software. Focusing on tourism managers' expressions of what comprises desired managerial characteristics, the ways in which gender roles influence the norms surrounding tourism management discourse are analyzed. Results show that managerial characteristics associated with women and femininity, such as emotionality, are progressively being incorporated into managerial ideals, but that gender roles connecting femininity to caring roles continue their influence. The social agitation caused by these complex interactions encourages conceptual progress in tourism management discourse. This paper contributes to a more holistic representation of today's economic reality by presenting an in-depth investigation into how gender roles relate to wider social, economic and political considerations within the context of tourism management in Portugal.Publicação Acesso Aberto Generational perspectives on hospitality careers: Insights from the Portuguese hotel sector [abstract]2021-12-01 - Costa, Carlos; Carneiro, Maria João; Segovia-Pérez, Mónica; Durão, MaríliaManaging work-attitudes and employee retention is one of the biggest challenges for contemporary high-contact service organisations, such as hotels. [...]Publicação Acesso Aberto Gender equality measures in tourism: organisational awareness and strategies2015-01-01 - Costa, Carlos; Bakas, Fiona; Breda, Zélia; Durão, MaríliaIn spite of the high predominance of women working within tourism organisations, numerous factors keep on affecting women’s career advancement and strong inequalities in the workplace persist. Drawing on recent research conducted in Portugal on a nation-wide scale, this study uses quantitative and qualitative analysis to investigate the awareness of gender equality within tourism organisations and the strategies these organisations employ in order to reduce gendered inequalities. An online survey and focus groups were conducted with leaders in the Portuguese tourism industry, in 2013 and 2014. In line with gender ‘invisibility’ theories, results indicate that there is some confusion regarding distinguishing genderbased discrimination at work among tourism leaders. Hence, organisational measures that are believed to endow female employees with more flexibility at work are seen to contribute to the perpetuation of stereotyped gender roles related to domestic and family duties. Furthermore, we find that SMEs, which largely dominate the tourism sector, have particular problems in implementing gender equality measures. Gaining a deeper understanding of the multiple and context-specific truths underlying the available opportunities to men and women in the different levels of the career ladder, is one of this paper’s aims. Policymakers aiming to promote productivity and economic efficiency through increased gender equality at work, can be informed through the findings.Publicação Acesso Restrito A Critical Approach to the Gender Wage Gap in Tourism Labor2018-03-14 - Costa, Carlos; Bakas, Fiona; Breda, Zélia; Durão, MaríliaTourism is a highly gendered industry, with strong horizontal and vertical segregation of occupations and this inevitably contributes to an elevated gender wage gap in comparison to other industries. This article investigates some of the underlying causes of the gender wage gap and the ways in which gendered stereotypes and gender norms continue to influence tourism labor relations. Challenging the idea that women "choose" to accept lower wages than men as a neoliberalist rationale that has little bearing on reality, this article adopts a feminist economics lens and investigates how the gender wage gap is created and perpetuated in Portugal's tourism industry through a thematic analysis of tourism managers' narratives from focus groups conducted in 2013 and 2014. Viewing individual choice as a myth, the politico-economic conditions that inform people's actions according to gender roles they are expected to perform are explored. The most frequent gender equality measure adopted by tourism companies in Portugal is ensuring that remuneration is set according to objective criteria, which demonstrates the perceived importance of eradicating the gender pay gap. Despite this, thematic analysis of focus group narratives reveals a persisting inequality within tourism labor. These reveal that horizontal segregation, gendered geographical mobility, and the prevalence of men in hierarchical positions contribute to the maintenance of the gender wage gap in tourism, illustrating a contradiction between the perceived eradication of the gender wage gap and its continuing existence. This article therefore represents an exploration into the ways in which the gender wage gap within tourism is created and maintained.