Palmeira, Lara

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Lara Palmeira


Lara Sofia Nascimento Palmeira, Licenciada em Psicologia, Mestre em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde e Doutorada em Psicologia pela Universidade de Coimbra. Concluiu o seu doutoramento em 2017 intitulado “When weight stigma gets under the skin: The development of Kg-Free: A new integrated acceptance, mindfulness, and compassion-based group intervention” onde investigou a eficácia de uma intervenção centrada na aceitação, atenção plena, e autocompaixão para mulheres com excesso de peso e obesidade. A sua investigação tem-se focado na aplicação das terapias cognitivo-contextuais de 3ªgeração (por exemplo, ACT, CFT, Mindfulness), mais especificamente sobre o papel das estratégias de regulação emocional no estigma e no bem-estar em pessoas com diversos problemas de saúde e também na implementação e teste de eficácia das intervenções grupais baseadas na aceitação, na compaixão e na atenção plena na promoção da saúde e bem-estar de diferentes populações. Afiliação: IJP - Instituto Jurídico Portucalense. DPE - Departamento de Psicologia e Educação.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

IJP - Instituto Jurídico Portucalense
O Instituto Jurídico Portucalense (IJP) é um centro de investigação em ciências jurídicas que tem como objetivo principal promover, apoiar e divulgar a investigação científica nessa área do saber produzida na Universidade Portucalense e nos Institutos Politécnicos de Leiria e de Lisboa, suas parceiras estratégicas.

Resultados da pesquisa

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  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Finding the link between internalized weight-stigma and binge eating behaviors in Portuguese adult women with overweight and obesity: The mediator role of self-criticism and self-reassurance
    2017-08-01 - Pinto-Gouveia, José; Cunha, Marina; Carvalho, Sérgio; Palmeira, Lara
    Literature has emphasized the negative role of internalized self-stigma in unhealthy eating behaviors in individuals with overweight and obesity. Still, less is known about the psychological processes that mediate this relationship. Self-criticism and the inability to reassure the self are considered to play crucial roles on eating behaviors. This study aims to: 1) explore the associations between BMI, weight self-stigma, self-criticism, self-reassurance and binge-eating; 2) explore differences in weight self-stigma and self-criticism tendencies between women with and without Binge Eating Disorder (BED); 3) test the mediator effect of self-criticism and self-reassurance on the relationship between weight self-stigma and binge-eating severity. Participants were 125 Portuguese adult women with overweight and obesity (MBMI= 34.44; SD =5.51). Participants were weighted and completed a set of self-report measures. BED was assessed through a clinical structured interview. Results showed that women with BED display higher levels of weight self-stigma and self-criticism and lower tendencies to be self reassuring, than women without BED. Additionally, the mediation model tested indicated that the effect of weight self-stigma on binge eating severity was in part partially mediated by a self-to-self relationship that is critical, harsh and punitive and by a decreased ability to be reassuring when facing setbacks. Overall, the model accounted for 45% of binge eating symptoms severity. These findings may inform clinical practice with clients who present high levels of weight self-stigma. Results suggest the relevance of targeting self-criticism and promoting a self-to-self relationship that is caring and reassuring, as a way of diminishing binge eating behaviors.