Cayolla, Ricardo

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Ricardo Roseira Cayolla


Currently, Ricardo Roseira Cayolla is an Associate Professor at Portucalense University. Ricardo is the scientific coordinator of the Consumer Neuroscience Lab, from the investigation unit REMIT (research in economics, management and information technologies). His main research area is marketing/sport management focusing on consumer neuroscience, consumer brand relationships, and sustainability. Ph.D. in Marketing and Strategy, Ricardo Cayolla has also a course in Design Thinking for Business Innovation in ESADE. He is a Sports Specialist, presenting and advocating a thesis about his training system in tennis, applied for over twenty years. Beyond the academic field, former professional tennis player, Ricardo is also a tennis coach, writer, sports manager, and with a presence in the media. He owns a Tennis Academy and has written seven books. He’s also a commentator in Eurosport Portugal in tennis. Afiliação: REMIT | Consumer Neuroscience Research Lab

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura. Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations: - the understanding of local, national and international environment; - the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 4 de 4
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Consumption, anti-consumption, and consumption communities: The football clubs and its fans
    2014 - Loureiro, Sandra; Pires, A. R.; Cayolla, Ricardo
    Broadly, consumerism can be considered as a set of beliefs and values integrated into, but not exclusive to, the global market system, intended to make people believe that happiness is best achieved through pos- sessions. In literature there are several other definitions of consumerism, consumption, anti-consumption and consumption communities. Therefore, the purpose of this chapter is to (i) present an overview of the research concepts, models and main theories of this topic, based on a systematic literature review and using the following databases to search information: Elsevier, Emerald, Science Direct, EBSCO, Springer, and ISI web knowledge; (ii) formulate a framework of consumption waves and anti-consumption motivations and types (iii) discuss consumption and anti-consumerism in football (soccer) context. The current study also carried out semi-structured interviews with 15 football fans with an average dura- tion of 60 minutes each. Findings revealed four main types of anti-consumption: Global impact consum- ers or anti-consumption society; Selective consumption or anti-loyalists market activists; Conservative or Simplifiers; and Rejection of brand hegemony. Football fans are avid consumers of many products, such as information, knowledge, travels, tickets to matches, and diverse merchandizing from brands that sponsor the team and the club. Nevertheless, they are also selective consumers, rejecting everything connected to the rival clubs. Finally, the chapter provides insights for further research and managerial implications. In this vein, this chapter contributes to the existing literature giving insights for a better understanding of football clubs and fans as consumers and anti-consumers.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    The Portuguese Football Federation's New Paradigm During COVID-19
    2021-07 - Coelho e Silva, Manuel; Seabra, André; Cayolla, Ricardo
    Sport is probably the main form of physical activity. Football (i.e., soccer) is often mentioned as the most popular sport. Not surprisingly, the Portuguese Football Federation (FPF) consistently registers the largest number of participants among 60 sport federations that are recognized by the Portuguese Government. To enhance quality, FPF created the Portugal Football School (PFS) aimed to promote education and applied research in parallel to knowledge transfer. The targets are players, managers, clinical professionals, nutritionists, and media. Until the emergence of the current pandemic, COVID-19, the educational model followed the traditional classroom setting for teaching and learning. This chapter's focus will be only on the PFS Education area and presenting results related to the PFS courses and participants in the pre-COVID-19 period and during COVID-19 pandemic time.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    A relação entre o adepto e o clube
    2023-12-01 - Cayolla, Ricardo
    A relação entre o adepto e o clube extravasa a componente desportiva. Devidamente estudada, planeada e executada, pode ser geradora de uma enorme mais valia económica, social e ambiental), quer no plano individual, da organização desportiva ou da sociedade em geral. [...]
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    It's the Mindset, Not the Technology
    2021 - Sonsoles, Martin; Malone, Chris; Cayolla, Ricardo
    The consulting world employs millions of people and moves billions of dollars around the world. The high number of mobile phones, coupled with the fact that more than half the world is online, leads to a new paradigm in the way we think and behave as consumers. The appearance of COVID-19 is forcing all areas to urgently rethink their educational offer. The consultancy area is not immune to this “tsunami.” Spain was one of the countries most affected by the pandemic, as well as by the measures adopted in response to COVID-19, with very serious economic, financial, and social consequences. This chapter's focus will be on Grass Roots Spain, a consulting company, and on the way it adapted its business model as a result of the pandemic crisis.