Mimoso, Maria João

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Maria João


Maria João Mimoso


Maria João Mimoso nasceu em Lisboa, em 1962, é Professora Associada, Doutorada, Mestre e Licenciada em Direito. Ao longo da sua carreira de docente do Ensino Superior, integrou várias vezes órgãos Científicos e Pedagógicos nas instituições onde lecionou e leciona. Atualmente é Coordenadora do Mestrado em Ciência Jurídica Forense, da Universidade Portucalense Infante D. Henrique. Integra o grupo de investigação "Processo" do Instituto Jurídico Portucalense – IJP. Participou em projetos de investigação na área da Ciência Jurídica, em Portugal e no estrangeiro, designadamente Co-relatora nacional do Specific Program Civil Justice, Civil Justice Action Grants 2009, the European Commission, University of Maribor, Faculty of Law, “Vereinfachte Forderungsbetreibung in der EU /Simplification of Debt Collection in EU” e como Relatora nacional do Specific Program Civil Justice, Civil Justice Action Grants 2012, the European Commission, University of Maribor, Faculty of Law, “European Dimension of taking of Evidence. A investigação que desenvolve centra-se no na contratação comercial, nacional e internacional, arbitragem nacional e internacional e investimento estrangeiro. É autora de uma dissertação e de uma tese, respetivamente Mestrado e Doutoramento em Direito na área da arbitragem comercial, bem como de vários artigos em revistas nacionais e estrangeiras e de diversos pareceres. Tem colaborado com vários escritórios de advogados e desempenhado, também, funções de árbitro. Afiliação: IJP - Instituto Jurídico Portucalense. DD- Departamento de Direito.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

IJP - Instituto Jurídico Portucalense
O Instituto Jurídico Portucalense (IJP) é um centro de investigação em ciências jurídicas que tem como objetivo principal promover, apoiar e divulgar a investigação científica nessa área do saber produzida na Universidade Portucalense e nos Institutos Politécnicos de Leiria e de Lisboa, suas parceiras estratégicas.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 2 de 2
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Unidroit principles in international trade contracts’ regulation
    2019-05 - Anjos, Maria do Rosário; Sousa, Carla; Silva, Sara; Mimoso, Maria João
    International trade has been facing a globalization process, which caused the inoperativeness of state laws in the field of business’s dynamics. It soon became necessary to create a range of rules to regulate these kind of relations. Firstly, merchants began to regulate them through habits and practices, that took roots over the years, in each market sector (lex mercatoria). After the first world war, there were several attempts to create a harmonized normative system, which would control international trade contracts. One of the main institutions that has widely contributed to the harmonization and unification of the commercial law is, undoubtedly, the UNIDROIT Institute, through its principles, which had been improved and completed throughout time, applying its rules to several legal systems. This research intends not only to describe the importance of these principles but also to demonstrate its contribution to international trade and explain the reason for its success. Moreover, the upgrades introduced in the last version (2016) will be mentioned. At last, we will focus on the legal nature of these principles.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    A flipped classroom in law teaching
    2019-07 - Anjos, Maria do Rosário; Mimoso, Maria João
    Globalization has introduced changes in communication between people, also affecting education in general. The intensification of the free circulation of people had generated a rethink of Higher Education. The Bologna Declaration operated a veritable "Copernican Revolution" advocating a European Higher Education Area and consequently the implementation of new teaching methodologies. In the teaching of the law there is a total absence of didactic and pedagogical training. The teaching indifference contributes to the lack of interest of students, with a negative impact on the acquisition of professional skills. We intend that this study constitutes one hand, a provocation, and the other, a critical reflection on the teaching of law in Portugal. As a result of our experience as Teachers of Higher Education in the area of Law, we implemented the flipped classroom methodology. The classroom becomes the place for teacher-student interaction, encouraging the latter to take a more active stance, collaborating in the construction of his knowledge. The results show great commitment of the student regarding this learning teaching method.