Freitas, Isabel Vaz de

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Isabel Vaz de


Isabel Vaz de Freitas


Isabel Vaz de Freitas, Full Professor at Portucalense University, PhD in History, research member of REMIT (Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies) and researcher member of LAB2PT at Minho University, Correspondent of the Portuguese Academy of History, Head of the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Coordinator of several study cycles in the area of Heritage and Tourism. Professor of several undergraduate thesis, internship and master's degree reports, master's dissertation and doctoral dissertation juries. Coordinator of national and international conferences in the areas of Heritage, Culture and Tourism. Collaborator in other projects of valorization of the Territory with City Councils and local organisms. Integrates as researcher projects financed in Portugal and Spain. In the scope of these projects, published articles and books that are centered on themes related to landscape, territorial development, water landscape, borders within the framework of peninsular relations and Medieval Ages.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

CIAUD-UPT - Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design
O Centro de Investigação Gallaecia é responsável pela investigação e produção científica do DAMG. A equipa tem ganho regularmente financiamento para projetos de investigação, como coordenador ou parceiro, em candidaturas da FCT (projeto SEISMIC-V), programa Cultura 2000 (projeto VerSus) ou da Europa Criativa (projeto 3DPAST). A equipa realiza igualmente, consultoria e prestação de serviços a Municípios, assim como apoio às comunidades nas Juntas de Freguesia e Santa Casa da Misericórdia. Os principais projetos de investigação ganhos e coordenados pela equipa têm sido dedicados sobretudo a património vernáculo, arquitetura de terra, Património Mundial e multimédia. Atualmente, encontram-se em desenvolvimento, os projetos “Versus+: Heritage for People” do programa Europa Criativa, com participação de 4 países (2019-2023); e o projeto “SizaAtlas: Filling the gaps” projeto FCT, coordenado pelo ISCTE, com parceria da FAUP e da UPT (2021-2024). Devido ao desenvolvimento ativo de projetos, de formação e capacitação, de valorização e proteção de património vernáculo e de arquitetura de terra, a equipa foi outorgada, com a Cátedra UNESCO de “Arquitetura de Terra, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Culturas Construtivas”, da UNITWIN e Chaire UNESCO da CRAterre; e é membro institucional da Rede Ibero-americana PROTERRA de arquitetura e construção com terra.

Resultados da pesquisa

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  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Urban landscape and tourism in the Historic Centre of Porto: The perception of residents
    2017 - Ribeiro, Susana; Yasar, Sidal; Freitas, Isabel Vaz de; Marques, Jorge
    This study aims to discuss the relationship between tourism and the urban landscape in the city of Porto, opening a dialogue around the creation of comparative dynamics between cities. The urban landscape has been analysed and studied by several authors under different perspectives that have been revised in the theoretical and methodological framework of the study presented here. In this case, we are interested in studying the landscape of Porto, a city on the rise in tourist?s numbers. It is intended to diagnose the local resident's perceptions about the landscape of the Historic Centre and reflect on tourist impacts motivated by the growth of its visitors and the highly intensive use of public spaces. The diagnosis of the landscape relates to directional signage, outdoor advertising, out-door terrace furniture of restaurants and similar, urban furniture, gardens and natural elements, traffic, cleaning, pedestrian areas, visitor flow, conservation of monuments, museums and buildings. The components inevitably put in the same urban image context residents and tourism who acquire and share the local experiences. This diagnosis will be an important dialogue basis regarding processes of urban landscape improvement and will allow reflection on the normative discourses that managers intent to materialize.