Freitas, Isabel Vaz de
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Isabel Vaz de
Isabel Vaz de Freitas
Isabel Vaz de Freitas, Full Professor at Portucalense University, PhD in History, research member of REMIT (Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies) and researcher member of LAB2PT at Minho University, Correspondent of the Portuguese Academy of History, Head of the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Coordinator of several study cycles in the area of Heritage and Tourism. Professor of several undergraduate thesis, internship and master's degree reports, master's dissertation and doctoral dissertation juries. Coordinator of national and international conferences in the areas of Heritage, Culture and Tourism. Collaborator in other projects of valorization of the Territory with City Councils and local organisms. Integrates as researcher projects financed in Portugal and Spain. In the scope of these projects, published articles and books that are centered on themes related to landscape, territorial development, water landscape, borders within the framework of peninsular relations and Medieval Ages.