Freitas, Isabel Vaz de
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Isabel Vaz de
Isabel Vaz de Freitas
Isabel Vaz de Freitas, Full Professor at Portucalense University, PhD in History, research member of REMIT (Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies) and researcher member of LAB2PT at Minho University, Correspondent of the Portuguese Academy of History, Head of the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture. Coordinator of several study cycles in the area of Heritage and Tourism. Professor of several undergraduate thesis, internship and master's degree reports, master's dissertation and doctoral dissertation juries. Coordinator of national and international conferences in the areas of Heritage, Culture and Tourism. Collaborator in other projects of valorization of the Territory with City Councils and local organisms. Integrates as researcher projects financed in Portugal and Spain. In the scope of these projects, published articles and books that are centered on themes related to landscape, territorial development, water landscape, borders within the framework of peninsular relations and Medieval Ages.
Projetos de investigação
Unidades organizacionais
CIAUD-UPT - Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design
O Centro de Investigação Gallaecia é responsável pela investigação e produção científica do DAMG. A equipa tem ganho regularmente financiamento para projetos de investigação, como coordenador ou parceiro, em candidaturas da FCT (projeto SEISMIC-V), programa Cultura 2000 (projeto VerSus) ou da Europa Criativa (projeto 3DPAST). A equipa realiza igualmente, consultoria e prestação de serviços a Municípios, assim como apoio às comunidades nas Juntas de Freguesia e Santa Casa da Misericórdia. Os principais projetos de investigação ganhos e coordenados pela equipa têm sido dedicados sobretudo a património vernáculo, arquitetura de terra, Património Mundial e multimédia. Atualmente, encontram-se em desenvolvimento, os projetos “Versus+: Heritage for People” do programa Europa Criativa, com participação de 4 países (2019-2023); e o projeto “SizaAtlas: Filling the gaps” projeto FCT, coordenado pelo ISCTE, com parceria da FAUP e da UPT (2021-2024).
Devido ao desenvolvimento ativo de projetos, de formação e capacitação, de valorização e proteção de património vernáculo e de arquitetura de terra, a equipa foi outorgada, com a Cátedra UNESCO de “Arquitetura de Terra, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Culturas Construtivas”, da UNITWIN e Chaire UNESCO da CRAterre; e é membro institucional da Rede Ibero-americana PROTERRA de arquitetura e construção com terra.
7 resultados
Resultados da pesquisa
A mostrar 1 - 7 de 7
Publicação Acesso Aberto Profile of creative tourist in North-Western of portugal: an exploratory approach to creative experiences2018-10 - Matos, Olga; Remoaldo, Paula; Alves, Juliana; Gôja, Ricardo; Ribeiro, Vitor; Pereira, Miguel; Freitas, Isabel Vaz deNowadays there is the emergence of a new type of visitors. This "new" tourist has a new role as producer of the products and experiences that he himself consumes [...]Publicação Acesso Aberto Profile of creative tourist in north-western of Portugal: An exploratory approach to creative experiences2018 - Matos, Olga; Remoaldo, Paula; Alves, Juliana; Gôja, Ricardo; Ribeiro, Vítor; Miguel, Pereira; Freitas, Isabel Vaz deNowadays there is the emergence of a new type of visitors. This 'new' tourist has a new role as producer of the products and experiences that he himself consumes and is therefore called the “creative consumer” or simply a “creative tourist”. Defining the concept of creative tourism and who the creative tourists are, is not an easy task. In this sense, the present study intends to identify the profile of the creative tourist of the Northwestern Region and its motivations, as well as to understand the characteristics of the cultural/creative sector existing in that region of Continental Portugal. The theme of this research arises because there is no clear definition of the profile of who is the consumer of these creative experiences, based on national and international scientific studies. Thus, from July to December 2017, 205 questionnaires were applied to participants in the creative activities of the 5 pilot institutions corresponding to the northern region of the first call of the CREATOUR project - "Development of Creative Tourism Destinations in Small Cities and Rural Areas", in Continental Portugal. For the analysis of the data, descriptive and analytical statistics were used through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS version 20). Based on the surveys, the profile of the creative tourist in the Northwestern region of Continental Portugal follows the trend of other investigations carried out in Portugal, namely in 2012 and 2014. From the data found and regarding marital status, 52.2% are single and 32.7% are married and demonstrate a high level of education, with 44.3% with a bachelor's or master's degree. It should also be noted that the majority of tourists, i.e. 90.2%, are from Portugal, followed by the Spanish and Brazilian tourists, (...)Publicação Acesso Aberto The planning of tourism on rural areas: The stakeholders' perceptions of the Boticas municipality (Northeastern Portugal)2017 - Remoaldo, Paula; Matos, Olga; Lopes, Helder; Silva, Sara; Sánchez-Fernández, Maria Dolores; Ribeiro, J. Cadima; Ribeiro, Vitor; Freitas, Isabel Vaz deMost of the strategies developed to “save” rural te rritories in Europe have not been successful. One of their main problems has been the adoption of the top-down paradigm when approaching the development of those territories. P ortugal is a good example of the difficulty of adopting a bottom-up paradigm. The main objectiv e of this paper is to present the perceptions of the local (including the residents) and regional stakeholders acting at Boticas regarding the set of resources available and the de velopment of the tourism industry. Boticas is a Northern Portuguese rural low density municipa lity. In capturing those perceptions, the research contributes to the establishment of a more integrated and innovative development strategy and thus a more able strategy for profitin g from the potential associated with the growing of the tourism industry experienced recentl y by Portugal. The adoption of a mixed- method for evaluating these resources and capturing the perceptions of the tourist potential by the different stakeholders is suggested. Empiric al data was collected through a survey of 373 of its residents and 25 interviews conducted wi th local and regional actors, further supported by an inventory of the cultural resources and their capacity for visits. We conclude here that residents tend to have a very positive pe rception of tourism development, and indeed, their perceptions largely met those of othe r stakeholders.Publicação Acesso Aberto Boticas: um território, um património, um destino turístico?2020-11 - Matos, Olga; Freitas, Isabel Vaz deOs territórios são focados nos recursos do património e da cultura, como elementos que caracterizam e identificam uma forma diversificada e promotora de uma identidade. [...]Publicação Acesso Restrito An international overview of certified practices in creative tourism in rural and urban territories2022-11-01 - Remoaldo, Paula; Matos, Olga; Gôja, Ricardo; Alves, Juliana Araújo; Ribeiro, Vítor; Pereira, Miguel; Xavier, Carla; Freitas, Isabel Vaz deA large number of destinations have been experimenting a changeover from the current massified cultural tourism to a creative tourism model. In this new model of tourism, urban territories have been privileged by its implementation, and in the past 20 years, urban studies on cultural and creative industries and initiatives have been taking place in large cities marginalizing small-sized cities and specifically rural areas. This article envisages assessing the differences between rural and urban institutions/platforms, mainly certified by the Creative Tourism Network, in what concerns the practices and offers in creative tourism worldwide. A database of 20 items was organized and a typology was used to categorize the type of territory of intervention for each institution. A total of 24 institutions from several countries were surveyed and a qualitative analysis was done and supported by the narratives of their leaders. Urban areas revealed to have a more active and diverse creative tourism activities. The results provide the need for more consolidated communication strategies and partnerships for these activities to become economically more sustainable. In addition, this research provides researchers and practitioners relevant information of how creative tourism is developed in rural and urban territories, the gaps and lack of information, and all the possible directions toward the development of the creative tourism industry.Publicação Acesso Aberto Boticas, território e património: Um estudo de valorização dos recursos para o turismo2017 - Matos, Olga; Silva, Sara; Lopes, Helder; Freitas, Isabel Vaz deO presente trabalho insere-se no âmbito do Projeto (2015-2017) do Laboratório de Paisa- gens, Património e Território (Lab2PT), centro de investigação da Universidade do Minho, intitulado “Contributo para a sustentabilidade turística do município de Boticas”.Publicação Acesso Aberto Geo-crowdsourcing contributions for cultural mapping2020 - Ribeiro, Vítor; Remoaldo, Paula; Pereira, Miguel; Gôja, Ricardo; Matos, Olga; Alves, Juliana; Freitas, Isabel Vaz deOver the years, cultural mapping methods have been used in several applications and contexts, for diverse cultural assets and to create new conditions for the development of local and regional resources. These methods were inspired by the development of big urban centres and regions, which have been the great engine of cultural mapping growth. The main objectives of the present paper are to provide a literature review on cultural mapping methodologies and to develop exploratory research on crowdsource tools on creative tourism which were applied to one Portuguese municipality in 2017. The research was supported by the implementation and integration of geographic information systems (GIS) and web mapping, which will become part of the solution for the growth of less developed territories and to make more interactive tourist activities. Web mapping’s contribution to enhance crowd participation was measured via analysis of 12 digital photos shared through crowdsourcing. The originality of this research lies in the attempt to develop a new model for creative tourism, trying to extend the implementation of Web Mapping crowdsourcing to deprived low density territories. Results show how public participation can be amplified for the tourism market by crowdsourcing tools. These tools look very promising since they can help several members of the public at different ages to contribute to territorial knowledge, engage in activities, and collaborate through digital tools. It is a step to fulfil the lack of studies in this subject and it contributes to the way we think about future studies.