Alcindor, Mónica

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Mónica Alcindor Huelva


Doutoramento em Arquitetura na Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya- UPC, Espanha (2011). Graduada em Antropologia Social e Cultural na Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED, Espanya (2019). Pós-graduação em técnicas de intervenção patrimoniais na UPC, Barcelona, Espanha (2010). Diploma de Estudos Avançados em Construção, Restauro e Reabilitação Arquitectónica (2007). Licenciatura em Arquitetura na Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilha-ETSAS, Espanha (1999). Afiliação: CIAUD-UPT—Branch of CIAUD Research Center, Departamento Arquitetura e Multimédia Gallaecia. CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

CIAUD-UPT - Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design
O Centro de Investigação Gallaecia é responsável pela investigação e produção científica do DAMG. A equipa tem ganho regularmente financiamento para projetos de investigação, como coordenador ou parceiro, em candidaturas da FCT (projeto SEISMIC-V), programa Cultura 2000 (projeto VerSus) ou da Europa Criativa (projeto 3DPAST). A equipa realiza igualmente, consultoria e prestação de serviços a Municípios, assim como apoio às comunidades nas Juntas de Freguesia e Santa Casa da Misericórdia. Os principais projetos de investigação ganhos e coordenados pela equipa têm sido dedicados sobretudo a património vernáculo, arquitetura de terra, Património Mundial e multimédia. Atualmente, encontram-se em desenvolvimento, os projetos “Versus+: Heritage for People” do programa Europa Criativa, com participação de 4 países (2019-2023); e o projeto “SizaAtlas: Filling the gaps” projeto FCT, coordenado pelo ISCTE, com parceria da FAUP e da UPT (2021-2024). Devido ao desenvolvimento ativo de projetos, de formação e capacitação, de valorização e proteção de património vernáculo e de arquitetura de terra, a equipa foi outorgada, com a Cátedra UNESCO de “Arquitetura de Terra, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Culturas Construtivas”, da UNITWIN e Chaire UNESCO da CRAterre; e é membro institucional da Rede Ibero-americana PROTERRA de arquitetura e construção com terra.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 8 de 8
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Avaliação organizacional: impactos na melhoria.
    2014-07 - Castedo, Ana Cristina Branco Jorge; Alcindor, Mónica
    presente trabalho constitui um estudo de caso que procurou analisar o impacto dos procedimentos de avaliação organizacional na melhoria da qualidade do serviço educativo e nos resultados dos alunos. A investigação consistiu, numa fase inicial, na realização de entrevistas a diferentes atores sobre a avaliação organizacional e respetivos modelos utilizados. Foram, ainda, consultados diferentes documentos (Relatório de Avaliação Externa, Relatórios da Equipa de Autoavaliação, Projeto Educativo da Escola, Atas de Conselho de Turma e Pedagógico) e feito o registo de algumas observações diretas. Perante as limitações de tempo, optou-se pelo estudo de caso de uma escola próxima e de fácil acesso. A seleção da escola baseou-se na cultura avaliativa intrínseca à organização. Da investigação resultou a perceção de que os impactos da avaliação organizacional, na vida da escola e na evolução dos resultados dos alunos, são muito pouco significativos. Resultou, ainda, a noção de que os procedimentos de avaliação se traduzem, essencialmente, no cumprimento de uma rotina legitimada e organizada sem impacto na ação. Num contexto de exigências crescentes de performatividade, a escola cria estratégias de resposta que, apesar de legitimadas, não resolvem nem melhoram a realidade presente.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Harmonic Diachrony: Current use of traditional techniques in rehabilitation projects
    2013 - Roselló, Oriol; Alcindor, Mónica
    The rehabilitation of anonymous architecture has been a major economic activity in Girona. [...]
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Experiencias de rehabilitación mediterráneas
    2008 - Roselló, Oriol; Abela, Fanny; Fraguas, Mónica; Alcindor, Mónica
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    World Heritage, vernacular dwellings and digitalisation: The case of the Fortified Churches in Transylvania, Romania
    2020-12 - Rocha Sousa, Sandra; Mileto, Camila; Vegas, Fernando; Cristini, Valentina; Alcindor, Mónica; Carlos, Gilberto Duarte; Correia, Mariana
    World Heritage sites are an invaluable asset for mankind. Some vernacular settlements with Outsranding Universal Value, worth being visited, are nor easily accessible. [...]
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Heritage places as the settings for virtual playgrounds: perceived realism in videogames, as a tool for the re-localisation of physical places
    2022-06-22 - Jackson, Delton; Alcindor-Huelva, Patricia; Alcindor, Mónica
    It is argued that approaching video gaming as a (techno)cultural practice can enrich the understanding of the cultural heritage represented in video games, as well as their value, since games have become an important source of shared symbol systems amongst far-flung and heterogeneous audiences. The perceived realism of the environments (re)created in video games is a key concept for examining them and the consequences particular to this medium, namely, their capacity for the re-localisation of heritages places. In this paper, a qualitative and explorative study is undertaken through ethnographic research which draws on data from interviews. Photo elicitation has been used to assess the perceived realism of heritage places in video games, and the impact this has on players’ perceptions and attitudes towards those places, in order to understand how this might effect social spacialities. A number of challenges are highlighted, particularly the importance for depictions of heritage places to be clearly recognisable, and to ensure an integrated future for the socioeconomic life of heritage places through the new realities which are defining society.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Cob, a handy technique for a new self-builder
    2012 - Roselló, Oriol; Alcindor, Mónica
    Despite the ease of implementation, which qualified this technique as appropriate for self-construction, there were three other priorities that cob also allowed and were part of the starting requirements of the owners. First of all, earth was a safe material with a high degree of breathabilitythe ability to regulate humidity and capture pollutants in the indoor environment. Secondly, cob also generated high comfort passive spaces, with high thermal inertia, very suitable for the Mediterranean bioclimatic architecture (Serra, R. & Coch, H. 1995). Finally, it exhibited optimum acoustic and insulation properties, as an absorbent. Finally, cob maximizes the use of local materials as the earth comes mostly from the same excavation and the straw is readily available in the rural area.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Videogames as a platform to connect to heritage: Preliminary considerations around the spatial delimitation and the interoperability of open data
    2022-09-22 - Sandalinas, Jordi; Alcindor, Mónica
    The present work sets out that videogames based in real places bring out unlimited applications featuring scopes with no boundaries and no restrictions. As software programs might play an important role in transforming the world by promoting social justice, thanks to the possibility to understand another alternative ways of living in their own world. Virtual heritages create new dynamics and raise the question as to whether, and to what extent, connections with the real world and real places are being used. Such dynamics could have significant implications when values and beliefs have not been explored enough. From a legal perspective, the before-mentioned factors suggest the discussion of different issues from a legal and a policy perspective. The considerations presented in this paper is based on the need that videogames demand work together technologies for transmitting and institutional forms for governing. Questions may be formulated around open data, the interoperability of such data, and the spatial recognition of such data using navigation and remote sensing applications.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Restrito
    Refurbishment, vernacular architecture and invented traditions: The case of the Empordanet (Catalonia)
    2019-10-11 - Coq-Huelva, Daniel; Alcindor, Mónica
    In the recent past, processes of urbanisation related to gentrification have been observed in some rural areas. This article analyses the role of the rehabilitation of vernacular architecture and mainly addresses social groups with high levels of income in the territorial dynamics of the Empordanet in Catalonia (Spain). This case is particularly relevant for two reasons. On the one hand, the Empordanet is under particularly intense and socially selective pressure because of its proximity to Barcelona. On the other hand, this demand for housing is partially related to the reclamation of a kind of tradition associated with a component of strong regional identity. This article explores the various ways in which tradition is reclaimed, recovered, and reinvented, insisting particularly on agents’ behaviours framed in the broader context of governmentality. This is done through a pluralistic research methodology based on the dialogue between architecture and the social sciences. One of its main conclusions is that the rehabilitation of vernacular rural buildings generates a type of housing completely different from traditional constructions in its conception, functionality, design, materials, and construction processes. Furthermore, rehabilitation is closely associated with the generation of a new form of tradition.