Sobral, Sónia Rolland
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Sónia Rolland
Sónia Rolland Sobral
Licenciada em Informática de Gestão, mestre em Engenharia Eletrotécnica e de Computadores, doutora em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação e possui o título de agregado em Ciências da Informação. Desde 1993 é docente da Universidade Portucalense (UPT), sendo atualmente professora associada com agregação. Lecionou em diversos cursos como Engenharia Informática e Engenharia e Gestão Industrial, em diversas instituições como Lodz University of Technology e a Universidade de Aveiro, e em diversos países como Angola e Cabo Verde. Participou em diferentes órgãos, tendo sido presidente do Conselho Pedagógico da UPT. Pertence à comissão de várias conferências internacionais e revistas científicas. É autora de uma centena de publicações, a sua maioria indexadas na SCOPUS e/ou WoS. É membro integrado no REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies, sendo atualmente coordenadora de um dos dois grupos de investigação (Transformação Digital e Inovação nas Organizações).
REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies.
DCT - Departamento de Ciência e Tecnologia.
Projetos de investigação
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REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura.
Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture.
Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations:
- the understanding of local, national and international environment;
- the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.
8 resultados
Resultados da pesquisa
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Publicação Acesso Aberto The first programming language and freshman year in computer science: characterization and tips for better decision making2020 - Sobral, Sónia RollandThe ability to program is the “visible” competency to acquire in an introductory unit in computer science. However, before a student is able to write a program, he needs to understand the problem: before formalizing, the student must have to (be able) to think, (be able) to solve and (be able) to define. At an early stage of learning there are no significant differences between programming languages. The discussion of the early programming language continues: probably never will be a consensus among academics. The Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) computer science curriculum recommendations haven’t clearly defined which programming language to adopt: it is the course directors and teachers who must make this choice, consciously and not only following the trends. This article presents a set of items that should be considered when you make a programming language choice for the first programming unit in higher education computer science courses.Publicação Acesso Restrito A portrait of adopted programming languages of Portuguese Higher Education Institutions2021-04 - Sobral, Sónia Rolland; Moreira, FernandoThe increasing difficulty in meeting the needs of the software industry and the benchmarks defined by IEEE and ACM in the adoption of programming languages in Computer Engineering courses offered by higher education institutions in Portugal presents an added difficulty. This difficulty often depends on the profiles that each institution has or intends to characterize the course offered. The objective of this article is to portray the way in which Portugal and Portuguese higher education institutions have organized themselves to respond to the needs of professionals with competences in Computer Engineering, namely in terms of offering courses and places for students, but also in terms of programming language option chosen as initial, as well as the sequence of initial languages.Publicação Acesso Aberto CS1: C, Java or Python? Tips for a conscious choice2019 - Sobral, Sónia RollandIntroduction to programming languages is a fundamental point for the beginning of students in the world of computing. The success of programming fundamentals is essential to student success during their academic career. The subject taught in technology courses is a major concern for teachers and course direction. Throughout history it has been verified that the great alterations presented were the new programming languages and paradigms, at least the transition from structured programming to object oriented programming. The content of curricular units remains the same. 30 years ago it was common to use a programming language based on BASIC. Twenty years ago Turbo Pascal was used. In the last 10 years there is a discussion about the use of C, java and Python for first contact with programming. In previous studies we verified that these are the three programming languages most used in the first semester of the courses in computer science. In the second semesters the most used languages are C, C ++ and java. There are two paths to follow: using the same programming language in the first two semesters or using one language in the first semester and another in the second. This last path usually happens with Python and C. The choice which programming language taught is often like that of a football club or religious option, other times it is linked to other important factors such as applications from employers in the world outside the university. This article reflects on the choice of which programming language to adopt in CS1, lists the languages currently most widely adopted in the real world, and used in introductory programming courses in higher education, as well as some studies to choose the initial language. Pedagogical questions and the preparation of students for work are the most important questions. This article list some items that can and should be considered for a conscious choice.Publicação Acesso Restrito The Old Question: Which Programming Language Should We Choose to Teach to Program?2021 - Sobral, Sónia RollandWhen students enter higher education in computer courses, students have, in the first semestre, to perceive and streamline computer (or computational) thinking. (...)Publicação Acesso Restrito A portrait of adopted programming languages of Iberian Peninsula Higher Education Institutions2021-07-12 - Moreira, Fernando; Sobral, Sónia RollandThe definition of guidelines by international reference organizations (IEEE, ACM) in the design of higher education courses in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, means that each higher education institution may, or may not, follow these guidelines. However, the existence of national regulatory and quality control agencies (A3ES, ANECA) allows, in some way, to guarantee some systematization in the, for example, programming languages choices that each course can and should have. On the other hand, the software industry's pressure in conditioning programming languages to be taught in higher education institutions is another problem to be considered. The stress carried out by the reference organizations, supported by the national regulatory agencies and the software industry's pressure, does the exercise of adopting programming languages, quite complex. The objective of this article is to portray how Iberian Peninsula countries and hits higher education institutions have organized themselves to respond to the needs of professionals with competences in Computer Engineering, namely in terms of offering courses for students, but also in terms of programming language option chosen as initial, as well as the sequence of initial languages.Publicação Acesso Restrito Flipped classrooms for introductory computer programming courses2020 - Sobral, Sónia RollandTeaching and learning how to program are not easy tasks. Disapproval and dropout rates are a concern for everyone concerned with the topic. Therefore, it is necessary to look for strategies that improve the motivation of students who start a programming course, also improving success rates and decreasing dropout rates. The inverted class model, or flipped classroom, has been used in several experiments, showing very good results. The objectives of this teaching-learning technique is to change the traditional order: students have contact with new subjects before the classroom, using videos, texts or other material, as well as small online tests to check their knowledge. In this way, the face-to-face classes are reserved for discussion, doubts and application of previously acquired knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the scientific production on Flipped classrooms in introductory programming courses indexed in Elsevier’s Scopus. The sample is composed by 45 articles in total. The results obtained by bibliometric analysis showed when and where those documents are published, who the authors are and what the focus of said articles is. We also analysed the most cited documents. We made a summary of the articles, namely in what refers to the sample size of the experiences, which programming language is used, in which universities the articles are made, which technology is used, as well as which methods are used in order to create inverted classes and which are the objectives and results of these experiences reported on the articles.. We managed to get a global view of the theme, getting a strong analysis for those who want to use flipped classrooms for teaching programming.Publicação Acesso Aberto 30 Years of CS1: Programming languages evolution2019 - Sobral, Sónia RollandCS1 (computer science 1) is a course that aims to introduce college students to a first contact with the computing world, especially simple computer-coded everyday problems. The lessons focus on computational thinking and introduce the use of one (or several) programming languages for students beginning their university course. CS1 plays an important role in the academic and professional life of new computer scientists. For this reason, this course unit is very much associated with programming languages. Curricula are not much different, but programming languages have changed a lot over the years. How was this change? Are there clues to these changes? Are there logical reasons why the choice of programming language does not hold up? What programming language should the teacher choose to teach students? The discussion about the early programming language is long: there have always been various trends and their fervent supporters, as well as those who are always critical. This article makes a historical review of the programming languages used in the introduction of computing course over the last 30 years, differentiating an evolution of programming language choices in the past century and now. At the end of the article, an evolutionary trend is listed by articles published by people involved in the subject. The methodology used in this article compiles the Google Scholar articles for each of the last 30 years (1988-2018) and analyses which programming languages are used in academic studies. It is very interesting to see how the programming languages used in the introductory programming units change over the years.Publicação Acesso Aberto Flipped Classrooms for Introductory Computer Programming Courses2021 - Sobral, Sónia RollandTeaching and learning how to program are not easy tasks. Disapproval and dropout rates are a concern for everyone concerned with the topic. Therefore, it is necessary to look for strategies that improve the motivation of students who start a programming course, also improving success rates and decreasing dropout rates. The inverted class model, or flipped classroom, has been used in several experiments, showing very good results. The objectives of this teaching-learning technique is to change the traditional order: students have contact with new subjects before the classroom, using videos, texts or other material, as well as small online tests to check their knowledge. In this way, the face-to-face classes are reserved for discussion, doubts and application of previously acquired knowledge. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the scientific production on Flipped classrooms in introductory programming courses indexed in Elsevier’s Scopus. The sample is composed by 45 articles in total. The results obtained by bibliometric analysis showed when and where those documents are published, who are the authors and what is the focus of said articles. We also analyzed the most cited documents. We made a summary of the articles, namely in what refers to the sample size of the experiences, which programming language is used, in which universities the articles are made, which technology is used, as well as which methods are used in order to create inverted classes and which are the objectives and results of these experiences reported on the articles.. We managed to get a global view of the theme, getting a strong analysis for those who want to use flipped classrooms for teaching programming.