Maldonado, Isabel
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Isabel Maldonado
Isabel Maldonado has a PhD in Financial Economics and Accountancy from the University of Vigo, Spain, an MSc in Finance from the Portucalense University, Porto, and a degree in Management from Portucalense University. Currently is an Professor at Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP), teaching in the areas of General/Financial Accounting, Analytical Accounting/Management, Report and Accounts Analysis and Auditing. She is a researcher at REMIT - Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies of Universidade Portucalense, at GOVCOPP - Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies of Universidade de Aveiro and at OSEAN, in the areas of Accounting, Auditing and Finance.
Docente na UPT até 2023.
Projetos de investigação
Unidades organizacionais
REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies
Centro de investigação que que tem como objetivo principal produzir e disseminar conhecimento teórico e aplicado que possibilite uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas e tendências económicas, empresariais, territoriais e tecnológicas do mundo contemporâneo e dos seus efeitos socioeconómicos. O REMIT adota uma perspetiva multidisciplinar que integra vários domínios científicos: Economia e Gestão; Ciências e Tecnologia; Turismo, Património e Cultura.
Founded in 2017, REMIT – Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies is a research unit of Portucalense University. Based on a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary perspective it aims at responding to social challenges through a holistic approach involving a wide range of scientific fields such as Economics, Management, Science, Technology, Tourism, Heritage and Culture.
Grounded on the production of advanced scientific knowledge, REMIT has a special focus on its application to the resolution of real issues and challenges, having as strategic orientations:
- the understanding of local, national and international environment;
- the development of activities oriented to professional practice, namely in the business world.
20 resultados
Resultados da pesquisa
A mostrar 1 - 10 de 20
Publicação Acesso Aberto Predictive power of the term structure of interest rates over recessions in Europe2014 - Pinho, Carlos; Madaleno, Mara; Rodríguez de Prado, Francisco; Maldonado, IsabelThis work intends to infer for European countries the extent that anticipations of the term structure of interest rates has over recessions, as measured by factor models. For that, we model the shape of the yield curve by latent factors corresponding to its level, slope and curvature. The simple and modified probit and logit models are used to examine the yield curve’s ability to forecast economic downturns (recessions). Despite official recessions dates being available at the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), which recently formed a committee to set the dates of the Euro area business cycle in a manner similar to the NBER, these are based on aggregate data. So, we determine the recessions using the BBQ methodology to have them dated for each individual country in the sample. The findings suggest that the yield curve components predict recessions for more than one year ahead, with increased goodness of fit when the autoregressive term is included as explanatory variable. These results are consistent for both UK, Germany and Portugal.Publicação Acesso Aberto Recessions in Portugal: the predictive power of term structure of interest rates components2018 - Pinho, Carlos; Maldonado, IsabelIn this paper we present a study of the predictive ability of the term structure of interest rates over future recessions in Portugal. The analysis will be based on factor models in which the term structure of interest rates is determined by latent factors, corresponding to their level, slope and curvature. Simple and modified probit and logit models will be used to examine the forecasting ability of term structure in predicting economic crises (recessions). Recession periods were determined based on the methodology proposed by Bry and Boschan. Our results suggest that all term structure of interest rates components allow to predict recessions in one-year time horizons, with an increase in adjustment quality when we include an autoregressive term as the explanatory variable.Publicação Acesso Aberto O impacto de Big Data na Auditoria Financeira: Uma proposta de pesquisas futuras2019 - Cláudio, Miriam; Maldonado, IsabelA forma como são tratados os dados está a mudar radicalmente e remodelando a gestão e os processos organizacionais. A quantidade de informação disponível atualmente é inúmera e continua a crescer, e podemos vivenciar isso através do fenómeno de Big Data. Este artigo aborda o conceito e a aplicabilidade de Big Data na auditoria financeira. Com base na literatura são apresentadas as vantagens e a possibilidade de aplicar-se Big Data nos trabalhos de uma auditoria financeira abordando também os desafios que os auditores terão para potenciar esses benefícios nas suas auditorias. Além disso são discutidos os possíveis obstáculos que poderão ser apresentados por parte dos auditores à utilização de Big Data. Também são apresentadas hipóteses de pesquisas futuras que podem ser abordadas como forma de explorar a utilização de Big Data nas empresas de auditoria.Publicação Acesso Aberto The goodwill relevance in cash flow forecasting: The Portuguese case2019 - Pinho, Carlos; Maldonado, IsabelThis study aims to analyse in what extent goodwill and goodwill impairment losses are relevant to the flows forecasting in Portugal. We explore the goodwill and goodwill impairments losses forecasting ability to predict cash flows using multiple linear regression models with one-year-ahead cash flows as a dependent variable in each regression model and including the goodwill and goodwill impairment losses in the independent variables. Our sample includes Portuguese companies consolidated annual reports belonging to the PSI-20 index and covers the period between 2010 and 2017. Regression results from the estimated models show that our key variable goodwill is statistically significant, indicating that the goodwill have significant predictive ability for one-year ahead cash flows being an important variable to consider by the users of financial statements in forecasting future cash flows and in making economic decisions. The reported goodwill impairment losses results reveal a significative and negative sign for its estimated coefficient. However, the estimates coefficient on goodwill is negative, raising the question whether the goodwill reported by Portuguese entities is really perceived as an "productive asset" or not.Publicação Acesso Aberto Inducing factors that can affect the success of internationalization: Comparative study for Portuguese firms2019 - Maldonado, Isabel; Pacheco, Luís Miguel; Lobo, Carla AzevedoThe challenges that companies face in their internationalization strategy are naturally demanding. If we think that this strategy is no longer exclusive to large companies, we can easily understand all the research that has been carried out on this subject and more specifically on the approach to SMEs. Even so, little has been discussed about the relationship that can be established between the different strategic approaches to internationalization and the factors that entrepreneurs most value in this entrepreneurial process. Based on an exhaustive literature review, in addition to determining the driving factors of the internationalization strategy that Portuguese entrepreneurs most value, this research aims to assess, through a comparative study between the entrepreneurs' perspectives in 2014 and 2019, the possible oscillations in the international strategies of Portuguese entrepreneurs during the period of economic crisis (2014) and a post-crisis period (2019). To achieve these objectives, we used data from a questionnaire sent to "exporting companies and/or companies interested in exporting" from the AICEP - Portugal Global Database, in 2014 and later in 2019.Publicação Acesso Aberto International diversification of SMEs: The role of foreign capital2019-10 - Pacheco, Luís Miguel; Maldonado, Isabel; Lobo, Carla AzevedoThe aim of this paper is to empirically examine the relationship between the firms’ ownership and control structure, in particular the presence of foreign capital, and their internationalization levels. The internationalization of Portuguese SMEs depends on a multitude of factors, being the impact of foreign investment inflows directed to industrial SMEs a usually forgotten factor. This paper fills that gap using a balanced panel data of 5,722 firms for an eight year period beginning in 2010, researching if the presence of foreign capital influences the level and scope of internationalization, and controlling for the effects of variables such as profitability, age, size, indebtedness and sector of activity. The country of origin of the foreign capital is considered and possible non-linear effects are also tested. The results evidence that the presence in SMEs of foreign shareholders positively influences internationalization. Also, there seems to exist a non-linear relation between the development level of the country of origin of the share capital and internationalization, with the results indicating that firms with capital originated from more advanced countries attain a higher degree of internationalization.Publicação Acesso Aberto Business internationalization inducing factors: The importance of knowledge and relational networks2017 - Lobo, Carla Azevedo; Maldonado, IsabelCompanies are currently required to continually innovate and restructure their operations in order to respond to the requirements of national and international competition. Companies have to find new ways to develop competitive advantages and acquire new skills, resources and capabilities. Based on the opinions of different factors considered as inducers of the internationalization process by companies that internationalized early in their life cycle. We developed an empirical study with 320 portuguese international firms and used the statistical software AMOS for a confirmatory factor analysis. We propose a Theoretical Model in accordance to Human Capital Theory, International New Ventures Theory, and the Population Ecology Approach. We find evidence of the importance of Networks, Specific Skills of its workers, International Experience of its workers and Entrepreneurial Propensity and to Take Risks from workers and top management team.Publicação Acesso Aberto Interest rates dynamics: Contribution of macroeconomic information in four European markets2017 - Pinho, Carlos; Rodríguez de Prado, Francisco; Maldonado, Isabel; Lobo, Carla AzevedoOral presentation in the XIII Iberian International Business Conference (IICB17), Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal, 20-21 October 2017, with the title Interest rates dynamics: Contribution of macroeconomic information in four European markets.Publicação Acesso Aberto Downside risk in commodity and equity markets2019 - Pinho, Carlos; Maldonado, IsabelThe aim of the present study is to analyse the tail risk of global commodities indices and a set of share indexes of several countries and regions. To measure the downside risk we use two tail risk measures, namely the Value-at-Risk (VaR) and the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CvaR), determined by parametric, semi-parametric and non-parametric approaches. Using daily prices comprising the period from January of 2002 to December 2016 and considering the pre- and post-global financial crisis sub-periods. A time-varying correlation between stock and commodity markets returns, comparing returns and downside risk measures was carry out. Overall, our findings indicate that tail risk of commodity markets is higher than stock market over the period, for almost all commodities, but that over the crisis period analysed the tail risk of stock market indices sharply increases to the same levels of commodities tail risk. The correlations between commodity and stock returns evolve through time. Considering the tail risk measures, for all analysed pairs, commodity and stock returns, we observe very high contemporaneous correlations during the crisis period.Publicação Acesso Restrito International new ventures and early internationalization: Networks and skills as enhancing agents2019-01-28 - Pinho, Carlos; Maldonado, Isabel; Lobo, Carla AzevedoThe skills of the employees, and for the International Experience of employees, in line with the chosen Theoretical Model. current research on international new ventures has been trying to understand the processes that support companies in their decision to early enter foreign markets. The role of learning and knowledge as become one of the arising topics in the literature. Recent empirical evidences provide important insights on the internationalization of new business. Younger firms are able to compensate their limited experiential learning at company level, through learning based on previous experiences of the management team, and through inter-organizational relationships (vicarious learning). The most common type of vicarious learning discussed in conceptual and empirical works involves learning with a network: depending on the position of a company in the network, this will define its range of opportunities and constraints and these relationships have a strong impact on market selection as well as on entry mode because they make it easier to identify and exploit new opportunities. Based on the opinions of different entrepreneurs, this study seeks to determine the importance of several factors as inducers of the internationalization process by companies that have internationalized early in their life cycle. Factors such as the relational networks, entrepreneurs’ specific skills and international experience of employees are considered. The empirical study was conducted on a sample of 320 Portuguese companies. Data Exploratory Analysis methodologies and Univariate Statistical Inference methodologies were used. Evidence was found for the importance of Relational Networks, for Specific.