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A consciência interocetiva e fatores sociodemográficos e de saúde: estudo correlacional numa amostra não clínica
2025-02-17 - Rocha, Carolina Maria Coimbra Lima de Laroze
A literatura sugere o papel crucial da consciência interocetiva (CI) na regulação emocional e saúde mental dos indivíduos. A presente dissertação foca-se na análise da CI e da sua relação com as variáveis: sexo, idade, Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) e prática de atividade física, bem como a relação com dificuldades de regulação emocionais reportadas pelos participantes. A amostra incluiu 354 participantes (276 femininos e 78 masculinos, 18-78 anos). Os resultados mostram a importância de avaliar e promover a CI nos homens, pessoas mais velhas, com sobrepeso e que não praticam exercício para diminuir dificuldades emocionais. As mulheres apresentaram maior CI comparativamente aos homens, nas subdimensões “Notar” e Consciência Emocional”. Com o aumento da idade, a capacidade de perceber sinais internos diminui, mas a confiança neles aumenta. A prática de exercício foi associada a maiores níveis de CI na dimensão “Notar” e uma regulação emocional mais eficaz. Por outro lado, um IMC mais elevado foi relacionado a maior dificuldade em perceber sinais corporais, indicando menor CI. Níveis elevados de dificuldades emocionais correlacionaram-se a menores níveis de CI, nas dimensões “Não se Preocupar” e “Confiar”. Este estudo reforça a relevância de explorar a CI como fator de promoção da saúde física e mental.
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Preventive conservation of vernacular adobe Architecture at seismic risk: The case study of a world heritage historical city
2025-01-04 - Haji Sadeghi, Neda; Azizi-Bondarabadi, Hamed; Correia, Mariana
Heritage is strengthened through proactive actions, known as preventive con- servation, that are considered before earthquakes, rather than reactive actions addressed when the emergency situation occurs. Considering that there are several regions around the world with very active seismicity, conservation interventions should guarantee human safety and the improvement of the inhabitant’s living conditions while keeping alive the earthen fabric and adobe buildings, thus preserving the lives of the residents but also preserving cultural heritage in the face of earthquakes. The main aim of this paper is to define a comprehensive conservation procedure addressing the preventive conservation of vernacular adobe vaulted houses in Yazd, an Iranian World Heritage property, since 2017. The fundamental phases of this procedure, which this paper’s structure is based on, include introducing the case study and addressing the conservation objectives, the assessment of significance and value, the seismic criteria, the conservation strategies, seismic safety assessment, and decision-making on interventions. The comprehensive preventive conser- vation procedure presented in this paper was determined by relevant conservation criteria, which contributed to an adequate seismic-retrofitted intervention design. This conservation approach requires evaluation of the seismic performance and the buildings’ safety, through which the decision regarding intervention could be made. Accordingly, this research also dealt with the seismic safety assessment of an adobe building through numerical research work performed using the software HiStrA Ver.2022.1.6. Based on the numerical results, decisions on the need and on the extent of intervention techniques were addressed. In addition, a comparative study was performed on different seismic strengthening techniques available in the literature to define fundamental conservation criteria. In this way, there are more chances for human lives to be preserved if an earthquake occurs.
PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
HeriCraft: Digital block-building games as models for sustainable heritage management [abstract]
2024-05 - Andrade, Bruno; Hikspoors, Maarten; Alcindor, Mónica
The protection and maintenance of built heritage has been sustained by a process of values integration in communities' cognition. European frameworks for heritage policies such as Faro Convention (2005) and Historic Urban Landscape (2011) defended the indispensable need for people-centred approaches in heritage sustainability. Emerging social phenomena of the last two decades such as videogames can take a fundamental role in the processes of cognitive integration of values, especially for younger generations. Serious games as social models can be harnessed to (re)order heritage management plans, in which players use resources of/in a specific context to engage in actions shaped by goals, rules, behaviors, and representations. Blockbuilding games have been gaining momentum as tools for youth engagement in architectural and urban (re)design through symbolic (re)constructions and demolitions. Games such as Minecraft and Roblox, have been applied in youth participation processes due to its popularity, user-friendliness, and easy pixelated 3D visualisation, accompanied with a variety of materials, plugins and modifications.