Alcindor, Mónica

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Mónica Alcindor Huelva


Doutoramento em Arquitetura na Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya- UPC, Espanha (2011). Graduada em Antropologia Social e Cultural na Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED, Espanya (2019). Pós-graduação em técnicas de intervenção patrimoniais na UPC, Barcelona, Espanha (2010). Diploma de Estudos Avançados em Construção, Restauro e Reabilitação Arquitectónica (2007). Licenciatura em Arquitetura na Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Sevilha-ETSAS, Espanha (1999). Afiliação: CIAUD-UPT—Branch of CIAUD Research Center, Departamento Arquitetura e Multimédia Gallaecia. CIAUD, Research Centre for Architecture, Urbanism and Design, Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa.

Projetos de investigação

Unidades organizacionais

CIAUD-UPT - Centro de Investigação em Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Design
O Centro de Investigação Gallaecia é responsável pela investigação e produção científica do DAMG. A equipa tem ganho regularmente financiamento para projetos de investigação, como coordenador ou parceiro, em candidaturas da FCT (projeto SEISMIC-V), programa Cultura 2000 (projeto VerSus) ou da Europa Criativa (projeto 3DPAST). A equipa realiza igualmente, consultoria e prestação de serviços a Municípios, assim como apoio às comunidades nas Juntas de Freguesia e Santa Casa da Misericórdia. Os principais projetos de investigação ganhos e coordenados pela equipa têm sido dedicados sobretudo a património vernáculo, arquitetura de terra, Património Mundial e multimédia. Atualmente, encontram-se em desenvolvimento, os projetos “Versus+: Heritage for People” do programa Europa Criativa, com participação de 4 países (2019-2023); e o projeto “SizaAtlas: Filling the gaps” projeto FCT, coordenado pelo ISCTE, com parceria da FAUP e da UPT (2021-2024). Devido ao desenvolvimento ativo de projetos, de formação e capacitação, de valorização e proteção de património vernáculo e de arquitetura de terra, a equipa foi outorgada, com a Cátedra UNESCO de “Arquitetura de Terra, Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Culturas Construtivas”, da UNITWIN e Chaire UNESCO da CRAterre; e é membro institucional da Rede Ibero-americana PROTERRA de arquitetura e construção com terra.

Resultados da pesquisa

A mostrar 1 - 10 de 20
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Materials through symbolic lens: The meaning of glass in Western Architecture
    2021-03 - Alcindor, Mónica
    Buildings, techniques and materials with which spaces and volumes have been created and defined are part of the architectural heritage, considered as material heritage. However, a more careful analysis allows us to grasp that it is much more than material heritage since it is actually the petrification of a cultural moment. One of the keys to fundamental understanding is the meaning of material heritage as a result of a social structure that organizes and guides the modes of production, daily practices, lifestyles, and their meanings. But the existing separation between different types of heritage resulting from the Western mental structures marked by a strong dichotomy that governs the analysis of any matter can force a classification that avoids polyhedral analysis that the material heritage could offer. The dualism of "object" and "subject" requires re-consideration, in order to visualize the deep interrelationship between these two concepts. The material heritage is inscribed in a specific space-time framework materialized in a certain place and situation. That is, the subset of differences was selected that more strongly reflect the borders of the difference of one culture over another in its multiple dimensions. Therefore, in the analysis of material heritage, socially structured and specific historical contexts and processes must be taken into account as they affect the production and transmission of symbolic forms. The aim of this paper is to concentrate particularly on attributing meanings to materials. It is crucial to realize that several aspects (function, use, context, user, etc.) can be effective in attributing meanings to materials and they should be taken into consideration for understanding the selection process since it is paramount to focus towards the intangible aspects in materials selection activity as well. So, materials’ uses demand a holistic analyze from multiple dimensions to be understood in deep. One of them is symbolic analyze. This article aims to address the study of the symbolic meaning of glass throughout time in architectures through the revision of literature. Delving beyond the visual level, we are able to discern the "embedding "of constructive action in networks of interpersonal connections and particularly, cultural conditions. Through the analysis of a material, it is possible is to analyze society itself with changing roles in its reciprocal relationship with the environment in a face-to-face community and with a complex social organization, a long past, an uncertain future and a cultural heritage that unfolds (Alcindor, Lima & Alcindor-Huelva). The symbolic perspective in analysis offers a way of understanding materials and their life stories; economies and their networks of trust and obligation; the co-production of people with their environments. The intention of opening the lens through which all these material issues are seeking to incorporate a holistic point of view, namely, the way of thinking that reconstructs a totality of relationships between people and their products since any designer creates and constructs his objects imbued by the forms of social actions existing in daily practices that are always located in a space and time and therefore within a framework of political, social and economic conditions. Therefore, they do not act “freely” since the structures of action enter within the individual through rules and principles that guide us in our practices in an unconscious way.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Symbolic use of domestic space in the upper svanetian (Georgia). Vernacular House
    2020-09 - Sousa, Goreti; Alcindor, Mónica
    Upper Svaneti (Georgia) is a territory in almost permanent isolation amid the Caucasus mountain range. This strategic position, along with the military nature of its settlements made its defence so effective that Svaneti served as Georgia`s safehouse, protecting its chief historical and religious relics in times of crisis. This isolation also ensured the preservation of archaic cultural traditions and ancient rituals, such as animal sacrifices, ritual shaving and blood feuds, establishing what is known as popular religion. Some of these rituals, mainly those performed by women, take place in the domestic space. This paper, developed under the scope of the 3DPast project, aims to interpret the symbolic use of space in vernacular houses of Upper Svaneti. The methodological strategy combines architectonic survey with documental analysis and brings forward an interpretation of this vernacular house from a space anthropology perspective. The traditional svanetian house (machubi), is composed of a single volume, of rough quadrangular plan. The ground floor (machub) houses, during winter, the family and the cattle, while the upper floor (darbazi) was mostly used as the family residence during warmer periods. This analysis will focus specifically on the machub, where there are traces of the symbolic use of domestic space. The machub is composed of a single space with a central fireplace. This element is the axis of segmentation of female and male spaces inside the house. The present paper will address this gender-differentiated symbolic use of the domestic space through the scope of anthropology and of the Svanetian history.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Ethos through traditional construction processes: Historical development between community builder in the Minho Area of the North-western Iberian Peninsula and Pico Island in the Azores
    2021-10-06 - Lima, Ana Isabel; Alcindor-Huelva, Patricia; Alcindor, Mónica
    This article analyses the developmental transitions in traditional construction processes in two very different but historically related contexts: the Island of Pico in the Azores and the Minho Area in the North-western Iberian Peninsula. The Pico Island, with a young geology, presents a serious limitation of available material resources, and resulting in a markedly individualistic approach to building. The Iberian Peninsula, on the other hand, with an abundance of material resources, presents a strongly collective approach to the organization of building works. This paper described the forms of organization necessary to achieve similar constructive systems, with the objective of making different material realities visible in the ethos of both. Activity-theoretical studies put an emphasis on the object enabling a longitudinal and rich analysis through time. A specific contribution in outlining the historical transformation of work of the community builder is made by using the life stories of two builders, one in Pico and another in the Minho Area, serving as the guiding thread. The paper shows that activity theory provides useful analytical tools for the enrichment of studies in constructive systems.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Novas proxémias de valores comunitários
    2020-06 - Correia, Mariana; Alcindor, Mónica
    Estes momentos de confinamento obrigatório, aos quais a nossa vida social foi submetida, proporcionaram uma experiência única para se refletir sobre o papel da arquitetura na vida individual e comunitária. A arquitetura é uma das principais profissões responsáveis pela construção dos edifícios nos quais ficamos confinados, bem como pelos diferentes ambientes que definem o espaço construído. Os nossos projetos podem exercer uma clara influência nas relações humanas, pois somos um dos principais agentes dos cenários em que o nosso quotidiano ocorre. Como referido por Durkheim, a arquitetura é um facto social material, ou seja, pode ser a petrificação de um momento cultural. Nos últimos anos, novas tipologias colaborativas têm vindo a serem ensaiadas com maior dinamismo. É o caso do cohousing, que surgiu baseado em design intencional de habitação em comunidade. A pandemia trouxe um novo desafio com outros riscos, que podem passar despercebidos quando se tenta evitar a propagação do vírus. Ao se colocar em primeiro lugar a segurança, para se evitar o contágio, é possível que se promova implicitamente um maior individualismo.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Ethnography applied to the architectural designs studio
    2023-02-12 - Alcindor, Mónica
    Architects have a clear influence on their relationships through the buildings they make, but they usually have tacit knowledge of these anthropological issues when they provide architectural solutions being able to marginalize both the meanings of the place and an in-depth analysis of the social nature of the existing spaces which are inseparable from the technical, constructive and typological characteristics in a general architectural way. It is defined an ethnographic methodology based on the assumption that the knowledge of reality is always polyhedral and is enriched by the confluence of different perspectives, strengthening joint action as a community. The goal of the development of this methodology is to provide the architect with a valuable working tool in an attempt to overcome the difficulties involved in giving and strengthening local relevance and to capture the factors that are significant for the community to which it is intended to provide a service.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    New tools, new thoughts: Activity theory applied to the architecture learning field
    2020-06 - Correia, Mariana; Alcindor, Mónica
    According to Jack Goody, the introduction of writing, understood as technological change, produced modifications in cognitive processes because it introduced a greater “abstract” that allowed giving oral communication a permanent form, which in turn allowed to open up the critical perspective and consequently rationality. Therefore, in architecture, with the introduction of drawing computing technologies in learning processes, associated cognitive consequences appear with these new tools. Adopting activity theory as a key theoretical approach, that is to say, theory that allows a deeper understanding focusing on the human relationship with technology; we are going to present an insightful analysis of how changes between 2D and 3D drawing tools bring cognitive changes in architecture students. Hence, this paper examines the cognitive consequences of these changes in these specific community. Through an ethno-historic study drawn on the life stories of four lecturer of architectural design studio carry out in a private university located in Portugal, these cognitive shifts will be studied to gain understanding towards the existing theories about main causes implicated in its emergence. It will be discussed if such a potent tool could generate a dependency that reduce the development of spatial abstraction capacity in the architect student. As well, we will try to consider when it would be better to learn how to manage these tools in order to enhance disposition to acquire new architectonic learning. And last but not least, we will try to reflect about how academic system has influenced this subject. Finally, it comes about the existing discussion about technological affordances and its meaning, if they are positive or negative for an early period of learning.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    El patrimonio intangible de la arquitectura tradicional: Un recurso en la lucha contra el cambio climático
    2021-10 - Alcindor, Mónica
    Ante el reto que presenta el cambio climático, el patrimonio intangible de la arquitectura tradicional supone un recurso disponible que en el pasado proporcionó soberanía tecnológica con una cuidadosa gestión de los recursos y bajas emisiones de CO2. En estas páginas se reflexiona sobre la incorporación de este recurso para elaborar un modelo constructivo que permita una nueva concepción orientada a reconstruir la ligazón con las culturas locales que reoriente las técnicas constructivas hacia lo permanente. El hecho de que la globalización del mercado haya desencadenado problemas muy parecidos en todas partes no significa que para dichos problemas sólo existan soluciones únicas. Aunque para el uso de este recurso la enseñanza de la arquitectura deberá reconceptualizarse en aras de formar arquitectos/as capaces de buscar soluciones constructivas adaptadas a cada especificidad local.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Vernacular architecture in Chazhashi Settlement, Upper Svaneti, Georgia
    2021 - Carlos, Gilberto Duarte; Sousa, Goreti; Correia, Mariana; Alcindor, Mónica
    Since 2006, Escola Superior Gallaecia (Portugal), University of Florence (Italy), and Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain), with partners as CRAterre-ENSAG (France), the University of Cagliari (Italy), and Ecole d’Avignon (France), have been working together, for the enhancement and protection of vernacular heritage and earthen architecture. As key-institutions in the area, they share high standards and common values, in order to address and achieve fundamental research, capacity building, learning experiences, relevant outcomes, contributing for a broader and deeper knowledge on vernacular heritage and earthen architecture. Several projects were developed among the partners, throughout the years. This was just possible by running together for European Union funded research, and successfully achieving it, by undertaking relevant contribution to knowledge, as well as comprehensive scientific dissemination. This was the case of the following projects: Terra Incognita (2006-2008); Earthen Domes & Habitat – A building tradition between East and West (2008-2010); Terra (in)cognita/Terra Europae (2009-2011:; VerSus – From Vernacular Heritage to Sustainable Architecture (2012- 2014:; 3DPAST – Living and virtual visiting European World Heritage (2016-2020:; and VERSUS+ | Heritage for People (2019-2023: Other key-projects have been also developed through National Funding Agencies for Science, Research and Technology as it was the case of: Seismic-V – Local Seismic Culture in Portugal (; PRIN – Scientific, experimental and tacit knowledge and conservation actions of Earthen Architectural Heritage in Southern Italy; ResTAPIA – Restoration of rammed earth in Iberia Peninsula (www.restapia. es); SOStierra – Restoration and Rehabilitation of traditional earthen architecture in Iberia Peninsula ( and RISK-Terra (; among others. The focus of the distinct researches was to address: a state of the art of earthen architecture in Europe (both Terra Incognita projects); to define principles from vernacular heritage that contribute to sustainable architecture (VerSus project & VERSUS+ project); to enhance the quality of vernacular architecture and its World Heritage character (3DPAST); to distinguish seismic retrofitting in vernacular architecture, in order to pro-actively strength dwellings facing earthquakes (Seismic-V).
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Técnicas de diagnóstico cualitativo para la regeneración urbana
    2024-04-01 - Alcindor, Mónica
    El arquitecto, entendido como el responsable de la construcción de artefactos, así como de diferentes modificaciones que definen nuestro medio espacial, tiene una clara influencia en nuestras relaciones a través de las intervenciones que propone. El arquitecto debe tener en cuenta todos los que de un modo u otro se verán afectados con su intervención, sobre todo en el caso de la regeneración urbana como escenario de la vida social. Mediante el uso de técnicas de diagnóstico social es posible acceder a tener una visión poliédrica de las cosmovisiones de todos los actores que forman parte del lugar de intervención. Estas técnicas se basan en que la comprensión del conocimiento de la realidad siempre es poliédrico y se enriquece con la confluencia de distintas perspectivas al mismo tiempo que se fortalece la acción conjunta como comunidad.
  • PublicaçãoAcesso Aberto
    Neoliberal governance and Vernacular Building Systems: The case of Spain
    2021-08 - Alcindor, Mónica
    This paper claims that increasing neoliberal forms of governance are found in construction systems in Spain. This fact becomes especially problematic when addressing vernacular construction systems. Both policy and technological management are becoming more focused on the consolidation of “expert systems”, and less on a 'different' and particular vernacular system; and thus shaping both mind and action. The empirical evidence presented throughout this paper is based on an ethnographic approach in Catalonia, allowing a further investigation on the complexity of the most common building systems. Material collected from empirical research on local construction vernacular systems shows how the functioning of a distinct set of managing 'technologies' - embedded in specific practices such as auditing - is instrumental and enables shaping local constructive practices. Under the current conditions, even local aspects are deeply penetrated and outlined by social influences generated by a great distance between them. This has a significant impact on vernacular building systems, as they have been being diluted, when not erased.